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"'The affirmation of Jehovah to my Lord: Sit at my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool." "That's it!" cried Matilda. "Jesus is there now, and by and by he is coming to take the kingdom." It did not seem as if David heard her; so deep was his pondering over the passage he had just read.

David Loring, realizing that he had been checkmated in the first move of the game in which cattle and sheep were the pawns and cowboys and herders the castles, knights, and, stretching the metaphor a bit, bishops, tacitly admitted defeat and employed a diagonal to draw the cattle-men's forces elsewhere.

Even now he was conscious once or twice of an involuntary desire to rub his eyes to make sure they were not deceiving him. Impatient as the waiting men were for the arrival of David, they were yet almost surprised, so soon did he appear, running up the driveway. "Oh, where is it, please?" he panted. "They said you had a letter for me from daddy!" "You're right, sonny; we have.

Sir Jocelynus de Baldendard, or Balinhard, who witnessed several charters between 1204 and 1225, is the first recorded of the name, but there is no documentary proof of descent before that time; and, indeed, most of the family papers having been burned in 1452, little remains of the early history beyond the names and succession of the possessors of Balinhard from about 1250 till 1350, which are stated in a charter of David II. now preserved in the British Museum.

So Saul called all the people to arms to go down to Keilah to besiege David and his men. But when David knew that Saul was plotting evil against him, he said to Abiathar the priest, "Bring here the priestly robe." Then David said, "O Jehovah, the God of Israel, thy servant has surely heard that Saul is planning to come to Keilah, to destroy the town because of me.

This they celebrated very quietly just they three alone. Mary thought it somewhat imprudent for "old David" to sit up till midnight in order to hear the bells "ring out the Old, ring in the New" but he showed a sudden vigorous resolution about it which was not to be gainsaid. "Let me have my way, my dear," he implored her "I may never see another New Year!"

I know you can be broad for others when you try. Can't you be broad for him?" It was good to hear her defend his father. It was what he would have wished his wife to do. Suddenly there arose within him a huge reluctance to lessen or to weaken in any way her trust in David Blount. "Let us say that the fault is mine," he interposed hastily.

I see a great many people who are living worthy lives, doing a great many kind acts and rendering beautiful services, but do not take God into their thoughts, nor render their services as unto Him. I think everybody must see that this act of these lion-faced men was more complete when David took it before God than as rendered for himself.

Why because I want him so much, I have nothing in the whole world, Dr. Lavendar, but David. Nothing." "Other folks might want him." "But nobody can do as much for him as I can! I have a good deal of money." "You mean you can feed him, and clothe him, and educate him? Well; I could do that myself. What else can you do?" "What else?" "Yes.

"Uncle," said Lucy, imploringly, "she is so used to society, and she has me all day; we ought to give her some little amusement at night." "Well, I can't make up parties now; my friends are all in London. She only wants something to flirt with. Send for David Dodd." "What, for her to flirt with?" "Yes; he is a handsome fellow; he will serve her turn." "For shame, uncle; what would Mr.