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"Well, no," the doctor confessed; "I can't say that it has." "Oh, you're young yet," Dr, Lavendar said encouragingly, "My boy, let me tell you that there are some good folks who don't begin to know their Heavenly Father, as the sinner does who climbed up to Him out of the gutter." "A dangerous doctrine," William ruminated. "Oh, I don't preach it," Dr.

Miss Lavendar asked, bending over her namesake border so that her face was hidden. "Yes." "I'm going to give you girls a bunch of lavendar apiece," said Miss Lavendar brightly, as if she had not heard the answer to her question. "It's very sweet, don't you think? Mother always loved it. She planted these borders long ago. Father named me Lavendar because he was so fond of it.

Sometimes old Anita, become garrulous with age, mumbled in the twilight when the rose and the lavendar lights swept down the eastern ramparts and across the rolling range lands, and the girl gleaned scattered pictures of a gentle and lovely creature who had come with her father out of a mystic country somewhere "below." "Below" meant down the river and beyond, an unnamable region.

"And as for a hardware store not being a chance for me I mean to make Rome howl with a Mercer branch! You see, Aunty bought a half-interest for me. The Lord knows where she got the money! Saved it out of her food all these years, I guess." "She didn't, apparently, save it out of your food," Doctor Lavendar said, dryly; "I believe you weigh two hundred, Johnny."

The two clergymen met once or twice in their calls upon the new-comer, and each acquired an opinion of the other: John Fenn said to himself that the old minister was a good man, if he was an Episcopalian; and Dr. Lavendar said to William King that he hoped there would be a match between the "theolog" and Philippa.

"Let's hear about the 'somebody else." "They are not Old Chester people so you won't mind if I don't name names?" "Not in the least," said Doctor Lavendar, genially. "Call 'em Smith; that's a somewhat general title." "Oh no, that's not their name," she said, panic-stricken then saw that he had meant it as a joke, and said, trying to smile, yes, there were a good many Smiths in the world!

As he drew up to the bank and took in his oars the stillness was so great that you could have heard a pin fall, when suddenly from a tree above him a bird broke into one little finished song and then was still, as if it had uttered all it wished to say. "What a heavenly evening!" thought Lavendar, "and what a lovely spot! That must be the cottage just above me.

"My," Maggie said smiling, "you're wan that ought to have six!" Mrs. Richie smiled, too. Then she said to herself that she wouldn't let him go to school every day; she was sure he was not strong enough. She ventured something like this to Dr. Lavendar when, about four o'clock, Goliath and the buggy finally appeared. "Strong enough?" said Dr. Lavendar.

Lavendar, He leaned over to rescue his tumbler, and his good-natured scolding made an instant's break in the intensity. "Have some?" said Mr. Wright, turning to his son. "I do not drink." The banker uncoiled his leg, and put his hat on the floor. His father pounded the decanter down on the table. "Simmons!" he called out; "light the rest of these lamps, you you freckled nigger!

There was no detaining word or cry from the library while Doctor Lavendar shuffled silently into his coat, and a minute later the door of the new Mr. Smith's house closed upon his grandson and the old minister.

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