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Updated: September 24, 2024

When I hit on a name that suits exactly it gives me a thrill. Do things ever give you a thrill?" Matthew ruminated. "Well now, yes. It always kind of gives me a thrill to see them ugly white grubs that spade up in the cucumber beds. I hate the look of them." "Oh, I don't think that can be exactly the same kind of a thrill. Do you think it can?

"Look at those two youngsters down there, engaged to be married, and swearing by the moon that nobody ever loved as they do. How absurd it is! A man has to be fifty before he knows enough about love to get married." "Nonsense!" "I cannot take youth seriously," he ruminated; "its behavior, yes; that may be serious enough!

Now, Kennedy, there must be some way to catch those crooks with the goods." "They aren't ordinary crooks, you know," ruminated Kennedy. "I know they are not. But you and Miss Kendall and Jameson ought to be able to think out a scheme." "But you see, Mr. Carton," put in Clare, "this is a brand new situation.

"I must speak to Traverse himself and warn him against this snare," she said, as she afterward ruminated over the subject. And accordingly that evening, when she had retired to her chamber and heard Traverse enter the little adjoining room where he slept, she called him in, and gave him a seat, saying that she must have some serious conversation with him.

I never did sleep out of doors, and I hate to begin now; but I s'pose I got to. Mebbe, time we git there, they'll have decent beds. I admit I'm afraid of sleepin' out on the ground. It ain't no way to keep your health." He ruminated busily with the gum. "Another thing, kid, you got to remember. In the box-fightin' game sometimes even second money is good.

The gunboats chased hither and thither, and at length the vast processions paddled down the stream with naval precision, under the watchful eyes of a real admiral. Residents of Memphis from the river's bank watched the pillar of smoke fade to the southward and ruminated on the fate of Vicksburg. The General paced the deck in thought.

Humanity and general kindness were fundamental parts of his character; but in relation to me they were sterile and inactive. His own interest required that he should purchase my kindness; but he preferred to govern me by terror, and watch me with unceasing anxiety. I ruminated with the most mournful sensations upon the nature of my calamity.

Joe pushed the bottle toward Casey, eyeing him curiously. "That stuff they run yesterday shore is kicky," Joe ruminated sympathetically. "Pap's proud as pups over it. He thinks it's the real article but I dunno. Shore laid yuh out, Casey, an' yuh never got much, neither. Not enough t' lay yuh out the way it did. Y' look sick." "I AM sick!"

The cowboy poised his pan of pork, while he ruminated upon the news. "Three years. That ain't much." "No. It was a light sentence," replied the Easterner as he unbuckled his spurs. "Seems there was a good deal of sympathy for him in Romper."

She was a wit, and she had a beautiful hand, even though she was no better than the rest of Monte Carlo, ruminated the safe-breaker easily, as he squinted, under the flare of a match, at the ward indentations in his wax-covered key-flange. His thoughts went back, as he worked, to the timely yet unexpected scene at the stair-head, two hours before.

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