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"When it thundered yesterday it was because the Lord was riding along through the sky and the wheels of his carriage made an awful noise, an' that was the thunder." "Don't like nashty old 'funder," remarked Toddie. "It goesh into our cellar an' makesh all ze milk sour Maggie said so. An' so I can't hazh no nice white tea for my brepspup."

Placing a small blackboard on the front of the platform, facing the audience, the professor seated himself in a chair ten feet behind it, and invited someone to step to the board and write. "All I ask is," announced the mind-reader, "please write not too fast, and fix ze mind on what you write. And by ze thought-wave will I tell it, letter by letter."

"We'll have the ship ashore," I repeated. There was a step on the deck behind me, and again came the voice, "Ze man, ze man zere what 'ave he do? Why 'ave 'e go like so?" "Won't you pass further aft, sir?" said a suave voice. "You're interrup'in' the leadsman." It was one of the quartermasters. Once again the lead flew forward. "By the mark, seven, sir."

"Do I care for praise from people who do not understand music? It is not true. I only like to please them." "Be a street-organ," Mr. Pericles retorted. "I must like to see them pleased when I sing," said Emilia desperately. "And you like ze clap of ze hands. Yez. It is quite natural. Yess. You are a good child, it is clear. But, look. You are a voice uncultivated, sauvage.

Then he stepped forward and touched Lucia on the arm, and led her to Gilbert. One hand was on the shoulder of each. "You will name ze baby for me sometime Pancho, or per'aps Panchita?" There was a wistful note in his deep voice, and a look of eagerness in his eyes. "Not ze first one, per'aps but mebbe, like you say, by and bye later? Eh?" There was another whistle down the starlit road.

The Count's cheerful tone did not seem to please his friend. "Your heart, he is too light, Bonker; ja, too light. Last night you did engourage me not to be seemly." "I did get almost dronk. If my head vas not so hard I should be dronk. Das ist not right. If I am to be ze Tollyvoddle, it most be as I vould be Von Blitzenberg. I most not forget zat I am not as ozzer men.

"Ze soixante-quinze speak, bang-bang-bang!" and his fist jerked out four blows in a row. "Feenish!" he concluded, holding a hand out towards the German lines and making a motion of rubbing something off the slate. Plainly they were very proud of their artillery, and the Towers caught that word "soixante-quinze" in every tone of pleasure, pride, and satisfaction.

She wishes him to meet an American friend, a Miss Hilliard, who has just arrived at the hotel this afternoon. She watched him sharply; his expression did not alter by a shade. He repeated the message and then added as if by the merest chance 'Ze yong American man, signorina you know his name? 'Yes, I know his name. This time for the fraction of a second she surprised a look.

"Zey vill be my diplomatic duties zat I go to do! Oh, I shall prepare a leetle story do not fear me." The Baron chuckled, and then burst forth "Never was zere a man like you. Oh, cunning Mistair Bonker! And you vill give me zomezing to do in ze adventure, eh?" "I promise you that, Baron." As he gave this reassuring pledge, a peculiar smile stole over Mr.

Pretty soon he heard a merry treble voice piping out: "Is ze gockter tum to oo house?" and Lawrence saw little Martha toddling toward him. Little Martha was Mistress Dandridge's baby girl. The Dandridges lived a short way beyond the oak grove, and little Martha loved to visit Uncle Lawrence and Aunt Mary, as she called Lawrence and his wife.