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"Youse'll catch on in no time now, pardner," resumed the boy soothingly, "an' I'm mighty glad I was here ter set ye goin'. Sure, I sells poipers meself, I does, an' I knows how 't is. Don't look so flabbergasted. 'T ain't nuttin'. Shucks! hain't fellers what's pardners oughter do a turn fur 't odder?" The Millionaire bit his lip.

"Hi! that's all right," chuckled Inez. "I t'ought I'd make ye sit up and take notice. But say! wot's good on the menu ter-day?" "Oh, say! take me tip," said Polly. "Order two platters of Irish stew an' a plate o' ham an' eggs. Youse'll have a bully feed then. Eggs is cheap an' Mother Beasley's givin' t'ree fer fifteen cents, wid the ham throwed in.

My friends say to thank you for the invite, but they aren't thirsty. Did you know that we had a spring of cold water up here?" The fellow grew angry. "If youse don't come youse'll be damn sorry, Mister. You've plugged a couple o' our fellas pretty bad an' y'aint goin' to git away with nothin' like that." "Why, what will you do?" "We'll damn soon show you, Mister.

"Aw, dat's all right, Slimmy!" Larry the Bat cut in airily. "If youse ferget anyt'ing when youse get in dere, youse can ask me. I got it cinched!" The Magpie folded the paper and stowed it carefully away in his pocket. "Ask youse, eh!" he grunted sarcastically. "An' where do youse t'ink youse'll be about dat time?" "In dere wid youse, of course," replied Larry the Bat promptly.

Who do youse t'ink youse is? An' I says, 'I'm de guy what's goin' to swat youse on de coco, smarty, if youse don't quit fussin' de poor dumb animal. So wit' dat he makes a break at swattin' me one, but I swats him one, an' I swats de odder feller one, an' den I swats dem bote some more, an' I gits de kitty, an' I brings her in here, cos I t'inks maybe youse'll look after her.

"Youse'll pardon me if I keeps de spot-light on youse," drawled Larry the Bat, "Some of youse dicks ain't trustworthy." "Look here!" Meighan burst out. "This is a hell of a note! What " "Youse shut yer face!" Jimmie Dale's voice had grown suddenly cold and menacing the stairs were creaking again, this time under a quick tread. "Listen!

"If youse'll show me how?" "I don't care how, You've got detectives, haven't you? Find out all about him, where he comes from, who his people were. Rake his life with a fine tooth comb from the day he was born. He's a bad egg. We all know that. Dig up facts to prove it." Within the hour detectives were set to work. One of them left next day for Shelby.

Swear youse'll keep mum an' see me through!" "Yes, Nan" Rhoda Gray's eyes smiled reassurance "I swear it. But you will be all right again in the morning." "Will I? You think so, do you? Well, I can only say that I wish I did!" Rhoda Gray leaned sharply forward, staring in amazement at the figure on the bed.

And the Object started off, shaking his fist. "Wait a minute," said Van Bibber. "You haven't paid them for your breakfast." "Haven't what?" shouted the Object. "Paid 'em! How could I pay him? Youse asked me to come in here and eat. I didn't want no breakfast, did I? Youse'll have to pay for your fun yerself, or they'll throw yer out. Don't try to be too smart."

Den, if I need youse you can come a-runnin' an' open up all over de shop wid de artillery, or if I gets de lizzie outen de jug an' de Chinks push me too clost youse'll be here where yeh can pick 'em off easy-like." "You'll be taking all the risk that way, Byrne," objected Theriere, "and that's not fair."