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"Y-y-you really m-mean it?" he asked, eagerly, as though fearing the return to daylight might already have altered her decision. "C-can I c-call on you wh-wh-where you s-s-said?" She smiled sweetly down at him, her eyes picturing undisguised admiration of his generous proportions, and frank, boyish face. "Si, si, señor. Sapristi, why not? 'T is I, rather, who 'fraid you forget to come."

"Two hours to get the sweat," he chattered with a ghastly grin. "And a couple more and I'll be all right. I know the damned thing to the last minute it runs its course. Y-y-you t-t-take ch-ch-ch-ch " His voice faded away in a weak stutter as he collapsed down into the cabin and his employer took charge. The Rattler was just entering the passage.

"Why, you see, Max," began Steve in his usual impetuous way, "Toby here thought he saw a hungry cat sizing us up, being in want of a dinner; and so we got ready to give him a warm reception." "Y-y-you b-b-bet we did!" exclaimed the party in question, shaking his hatchet ferociously. The boy called Max turned and looked toward his cousin Owen, and there were signs of amusement in his manner.

"You're engine's missing, old timer. Let it cool off a bit and then try again." This was evidently heard by the stutterer, for he became excited, and that did not help him much. "S-s-shut up, y-y-you big b-b-boob," he finally managed to get out, in an infuriated tone. "I may be a boob, but I can talk straight, anyway," replied the amateur.

He was about to go away, when she burst out crying, and sobbed out the following words, wet with salt brine: "It was v-v-v-very thoughtful of y-y-you, but I couldn't feel it! It is f-f-four sizes too b-b-big! Why didn't you get number eighteen? You are silent, you cannot answer, enough!"

"Then -then -y-y-you heard all of my talk with Evarts?" "Yes, sir." Bascomb's teeth began to chatter so that he was forced to steady his jaws. Tom and Dick looked aside, pitying the man for his evident anguish of mind. At last the president steadied himself enough to speak. "Reade, I know I haven't been a very good friend of yours, and I even tried to work you out of this contract altogether.

"Don't you think the alterations may succeed in spoiling the beauty of the 'literary composition, signora, as well as in reducing the vehemence of the tone?" "You are asking my personal opinion. What I have come here to express is that of the committee as a whole." "Does that imply that y-y-you disagree with the committee as a whole?"

Brown returned to the bridge, where the ranchman stood preparing to collect his toll, which was five dollars a team in advance. This would require one hundred dollars from Brown and a hundred and thirty from the other train. Brown refused point blank to pay the bill, and the ranchman asked him upon what grounds. Brown's reply was: "Y-Y-You h-h-haint g-g-got no ch-ch-charter."

Brown cast a quick, comprehensive glance from the face of the woman to where the man was now leaning lazily against the wall. "All r-right, little g-girl," he said slowly, and with grave deliberation. "I-I reckon I n-never went b-back on any p-pard yet. B-blamed if y-y-you hate thet c-cuss any worse th-than I do. Y-you bet, I 'll take you out o' h-h-here safe 'nough."

I'm I'm sorry." A great light broke over Sam. A vast dam crashed free. His soul rushed forth in one mad wave. "M-M-Miss M-M-Markley Miss Nory!" he exclaimed, whirling about and facing her, "d-d-d-do y-y-you l-l-like to s-s-see me work my airs?" "Yes, it's funny," admitted Nora, on the point of another outbreak in spite of herself. This amiability was an undreamed thing, yet Sam saw his advantage.