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Updated: August 12, 2024

"'Cause I seen 'em when dey done it." "Y-y-you have de face to stan' da an' tell me dat you seen 'em a-troublin' dat chile an' you not lif' a han' to help him?" "How I gwine help him? G'long, you don't know what you talkin' 'bout." "Whar'bouts did dey come across him?" Mammy inquired. "Right down yonder at de mill," Jim answered, nodding his head in the direction.

"A good reason why," said Darrow, in great glee; "it's ragged. Come, I'll bet you a treat for the whole company you hadn't got a whole shirt on your b-b-b-back!" "I'll bet my shirt is cleaner than yours," Barnum replied. "That's nothing to do w-w-with the case; it's ragged, and y-y-you know it." "I know it is not," Barnum replied, with pretended anger, which caused the crowd to laugh heartily.

"Just like a g-g-girl," said Kit. "They don't know how to f-f-fish!" You see his teeth were chattering, because the water was cold. "Well, anyway," said Kat, "I caught more than you did. I caught you!" Then Kat thought of something else. She shook her finger at Kit. "Oh, Kit," she said, "mother told you not to fall into the water!" "'T-t-t-was all your fault," roared Kit. "Y-y-you began it!

I dremp' she had come to live with us an' thet y-y-you an' me had moved into the back o' the house. That's why I got up. I couldn't sleep easy, an' I thought I might ez well git up an' see wh-wh-what you'd brought me. But I didn't no mor'n glance at it. But you can't say you didn't sleep, for you was a-s-s-snorin' when I come out here "

"It was v-v-v-very thoughtful of y-y-you, but I couldn't feel it! It is f-f-four sizes too b-b-big! Why didn't you get number eight? You are silent, you cannot answer, enough?"

C-c-carried two b-bucks 'hind ther sh-shaft-house; h-h-hurt some, I 'speck. R-reckon I must a' g-got both on 'em. Y-y-you shore ought t-ter wear t-t-telescopes, Bill." Hicks stared at his partner, his gray goat-beard sticking straight out, his teeth showing. "So yer got 'em, hey?" he retorted, savagely. "Oh, ye 're chain-lightnin', yer are, Stutter.

That was a dirty mean trick keeping me here when I might have got away without hearing." "Y-y-you knew it a'ready. An' it was in the h-h-h-hay-mow. I'd hid it there the min-ute I g-g-got to the barn, waitin' for y-y-you. But come out there n-now. I've got s-s-s-somethin' to tell you," said the unhappy lad, far too disturbed to resent her sharpness.

"Just like a g-g-girl," said Kit. "They don't know how to f-f-fish." You see his teeth were chattering, because the water was cold. "Well, anyway," said Kat, "I caught more than you did. I caught you!" Then Kat thought of something else. She shook her finger at Kit. "O Kit," she said, "Mother told you not to fall into the water!" "'T-t-twas all your fault," roared Kit. "Y-y-you began it!

C-c-c-can y-y-you understand that? he said to the last girl, and her brother threatened to mangle him horribly if he didn't apologize, to which he finally agreed. He went back into the house and said to the girl, 'Y-y-you n-n-n-needn't g-g-g-go to hell; y-y-your b-b-b-brother and I have m-m-made other 'r-r-r-rangements."

Why, I have seen him start to say something to my engineer pulling out of Mankato, and he would finish it just as the caboose went by, and we had some forty cars in the train at that." At this a smile broke over De Armand's face, and he grasped my hand and said, "Excuse m-m-m-e k-k-id; but y-y-you k-k-know how it is y-y-yourself." You may well believe that I did know.

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