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But he worn't their father, Mrs. Jack bein' a widder or said so. They're only 'alves and 'alves ain't no good in law; so inter Chancery those 'ouses 'll go, come a twelvemonth yo may take it at that!" Diana laughed a young spontaneous laugh the first since she had come home.

"Why, whatever shud we git into trouble 'bout it for?" said John Cock. "'Tis like as not they ain't real only painted glass, scarce wuth the trouble o' car'in' ashore." "Hould thy tongue, thee g'eat chucklehead," replied Maggot; "a man wouldn't go for to tie such stuff round his waist to drown hisself with, I do know, if they worn't real. Lev us car' 'em to Maister Donnithorne."

He looked a size too large for it, and for the other speakers, and his loose tweed suit and heather stockings were as great a contrast to the tightly buttoned-up black of the other occupants as were his strong, keen face and muscular hands to those of the previous speakers. "That's a man," said a masculine voice behind Rachel. "He worn't reared on ditch-water, you bet." "Mr.

And if it worn't that you hadn't bad cess to the luck of it! your own bit of a stick in your hand, wouldn't you have knocked the life out of him for the name he put on your sisther, Miss Feemy? the blackguard!" "And did you hear him, Pat?" "Shure I did, yer honer." "And did you see him?" "See him, yes, shure; I seed him riz his big stick, and I thought it was nigh kilt you were."

Bad cess to me, if you can spake a word o' thruth afther that, you common desaver! Worn't you an' Paddy Moran pullin' a coard?" "No, in throth; it was given out on us, but we never wor, Phelim. Nothin' ever passed betune us but common civility.

"I seed him at th' bottom. An' I seed 'em bring 'im up in a tub, an' 'e wor in a dead faint. But he shouted like anythink when Doctor Fraser examined him i' th' lamp cabin an' cossed an' swore, an' said as 'e wor goin' to be ta'en whoam 'e worn't goin' ter th' 'ospital." The boy faltered to an end. "He WOULD want to come home, so that I can have all the bother. Thank you, my lad.

"Ay. We didn't go to the service. That worn't in our line. But we heerd the speeches out o' doors." "The carts were fine! especially the second one." "Ay that's our missis. She and the two girls done the dressin' o' the cart." "What's her name?" "Well, her name's Henderson," said the old man, speaking with an amiable, half careless detachment, the manner rather of a philosopher than a gossip.

"She was took away arter the old Squire was killed, worn't she?" asked Bainton, who was drinking in all the information he could, in order to have something to talk about to his master, when the opportunity offered itself. "Ay! ay!

I can remember when we wor just a few, but we agreed to pray for a revival, and gie th' Lord no rest until we should mak' His arm bare amang us. We started a prayer-meeting on Sunday mornings at five o'clock to th' minute, and they that worn't there at time should be locked aat. Well, yo' know, I wor' baan to be at that meeting.

"She's been in to see Adam Frost's children an' she gave Baby Hippolyta a bag o' sweeties," said Bainton. "An' she's called at the schoolhouse, but Miss Eden, she worn't in an' Susie Prescott saw her, an' Susie was that struck that she 'adn't a wurrd to say, so she tells us, an' Miss Vancourt she went to old Josey Letherbarrow's straight away an' there she stayed iver so long.