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Updated: August 18, 2024

Tenie wuz gone, en dey wa'n't nobody ner nuffin' fer ter watch de tree. "De two men w'at cut de tree down say dey nebber had sech a time wid a tree befo': dey axes would glansh off, en didn' 'pear ter make no progress thoo de wood; en of all de creakin', en shakin', en wobblin' you eber see, dat tree done it w'en it commence' ter fall. It wuz de beatenis' thing!

And though I don't like wobblin', still I do honestly believe that the wobblers are happier than them that can't wobble. I could see jest how it wuz, and I couldn't bear to have her blamed. And I would tell folks, some of the relations on her mother's side, when they would say, "What a fool she wus to have him!"

I felt so shook up and wobblin' myself, I thought a little Scripter would stiddy me, and I sez, "Sinners stand on slippery places." "I see they do!" she snapped out, lookin' at me; "but I can't!" I sez to myself as I turned away, "I'll bet she meant me."

Once she compared single life to a lonely goose travellin' alone acrost the country, 'cross lots, lonesome and despairin', travellin' along over a thorny way, and desolate, weighed down by melancholy and gloomy forebodin's, and takin' a occasional rest by standin' up on one cold foot and puttin' its weery head under its wing, with one round eye lookin' out for dangers that menaced it, and lookin', also, perhaps, for a possible mate, for the comin' gander restless, wobblin', oneasy, miserable.

"I told her," said Ben Greenway, "how at last ye hae come to your right mind, an' how ye are a true servant o' the king, wi' your pardon in your pocket an' your commission waitin' for ye at St. Thomas, an' that, whatever else ye may do at sea, there'll be no more black flag floatin' over your head, nor a see-saw plank wobblin' under the feet o' onybody else.

How quiet and peaceable and yet how strong, makin' no fuss and show; but what majesty is writ down on their forwards as they mirror the will of their Master. How firm they stand, jest as they've stood for ages; no wobblin', no turnin' this way and that to git adherents and followers.

If you don't, I'm a Dutchman." "If I do, you'll have a taste of it too, old salt-water, for we're in the same boat," retorted the young red-coat. "True, but we ain't in the same body;" returned the sailor. "I should just like to see your four-futt legs wobblin' about in a nor'-west gale. You'd sing another song." "Come, Macleod," cried Moses Pyne, "tip us a Gaelic song."

And when you've been carryin' a burden for a long time, when it is took sudden from you you have a giddy feelin', you feel light and faint and wobblin'.

And as my parmetty dress had got kinder dusty a slidin' and wobblin' as I had slode and wobbled, I went to brush off my skirt with it, when all of a sudden somebody or sunthin' gin me a stunnin' blow right in my arm that held the brush. I dropped it without waitin' to argy the matter, and I don't know to this day who or what struck me and what it wuz for.

Sence Old Time himself is a-storin' up the stunny years in his bag that can't be dickered with, or deceived. And he will jest hit you over the head with them stuns; they will hit your head and make it gray hit your eyes, and they will lose their bright light hit your strong young limbs and make 'em weak and sort o' wobblin'.

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