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Updated: August 19, 2024

It's powerful pleasant ter be a-meetin' of folks hyar this hyar stranger this evenin' " his gleaming teeth in the semi-obscurity notified Yerby that a smile of spurious politeness was bent upon him, and he made haste to grin very widely in response "an' that thar fiddle 'minds me o' how unexpected 'twar whenst I met up with Lee-yander hyar 'pears ter me, Bob, ez ye air goin' ter diddle the life out'n his fiddle an' Hilary jes begged an' beseeched me ter take the boy with me ter help 'round the mill, ez he war a-runnin' away.

"I war up thar at the mill whenst the news kem ter-day, an' she war thar ter git some seconds. I hev hearn women go off in high-strikes fer a lovyer's death even Mis' Simton, though hern was jes her husband, an 'a mighty pore one at that. But Minta Elladine jes listened quiet an' composed, an' never said one word." The batten shutter was trembling in the ghost's hand.

The old woman shook her head sternly. "Ye kem in, an' 'bide whar ye b'long." Evelina took a step nearer the window. She laid her hand on the sill. "Spos'n 'twar Abs'lom whenst he war a baby," she said, her eyes softly brightening, "an' another woman hed him an' kep' him, 'kase ye an' his dad fell out would ye hev 'lowed she war right ter treat ye like ye treat me whenst Abs'lom war a baby?"

Not ez I hev got ennything agin moonshinin' nuther," he added, hastily, mindful of a seeming reflection on his refuge. "Moonshinin' is business, though the United States don't seem ter know it. But I hev hearn ye carry on so pious 'bout not lookin' on the wine whenst it be red, that I 'lowed ye wouldn't like ter look on the still whenst whenst it's yaller."

What he retrieved was only a small piece of wood, charred at one end. But Ephraim Yeates caught at it eagerly. "Now the Lord be praised for all His marcies!" he exclaimed. "It do take an Injun to come a-running whenst ever'body else is plumb beat out! Ne'er another one of us had an eye sharp enough to ketch that bit o' sign a-floating past. What say, Cap'n John?"

There was so much significance in her tone that, standing at her side, he looked up in sudden expectation. "I tole ye the truth whenst I say I seen no guide" he made a gesture of impatience; he had no time for twice-told tales "kase kase the guide war war myself." The clear twilight fell full on his amazed, upturned face and the storm of fury it concentrated.

Good neighbors gin 'em some clothes wunst in a while, an' l'arned the gals ter sew an' cook some. An' thar kem ter be a skillet an' a fryin'-pan on the h'a'th ter holp the pot out. Why, 'Fambly' got so prosperous that one day, whenst a' ole, drunken, cripple, ragged man war passin', they enj'yed themselves mightily, laffin' at somebody po'rer than themselves.

Hil'ry he tuk a look at Lee-yander whenst he wanted ter kem an' work along o' we-uns, 'kase his folks wanted ter take him away from the Sudleys.

Ye know ez Clem admitted he hed Christmas in his bones!" the elder objected. "Waal, war Clem Tweed funnin' whenst he done sech ez that, in levyin' an execution?" Bruce Gilhooley pointed with his ramrod at the wreck of the furniture. The two women burst into lugubrious sobs and rocked themselves back and forth in unison. "'Twar Dad!" Medora moaned, in smothered accents.

She say she air feared I'll shoot my head off, an' she don't want no boys, 'thout heads, jouncin' round her house shucks! Which way did Birt take, Mister Perkins? 'kase I be goin' ter ketch up." "He war headed fur that thar salt lick, whenst I las' seen him," replied the tanner; "ef ye stir yer stumps right lively, mebbe ye'll overhaul him yit." Rufe rose precipitately.

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