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When, with the little girl at his heels, he reached the porch, he took off his hat, and wiped the perspiration from his brow with his great brown hand. "I tell ye, jouncin' round arter the Cunnel air powerful hot work," he declared. The next moment he paused. His wife had come to the door, and there was a strange expression of alarm among the anxious lines of her face.

I just jumped up and down when poppy came, and she said, 'For goodness' sake! don't thrash out all my carpet with your jouncin' up an' down. You can just go yourself, Janey Odell, and see how you like it!" "I'm sure I don't want to go. But you just jumped at it!" "Well, I thought it would be nice. But oh, Hanneran, it's just splendid here!

And you! trapesin' through the hall with her on yer shoulder, and dancin' and jouncin' her up and down ez if it was a ball-room!" A guilty recollection that he had skipped with her through the passage struck him with remorse as his aunt went on: "It's a mercy that betwixt you and the wet bar-skin she ain't got her deth!"

Thar war a few icicles on the hand-rail, an' the branches o' the firs hung ez still ez death; only that cold, racin', shoutin', jouncin' water moved. Jes ez they got toler'ble nigh the foot-bredge a sudden cloud kem over the face o' the sky.

Dorey, stop jouncin' them hot clo'es up an' down in the suds! You'll git scalt with 'em yit." "Do any of your children go to school?" asked the caller, quickly. The woman laughed shortly. "Where'd they go? There ain't no schools around here, and we ain't wanting any, either, since our time with that one last year. 'Twas a reg'lar sell!

There war n't no bunk for her, but the nigger allowed that she might set back near the stove, for the baby 'peared to be kind ov sick-like, 'nd the woman looked like she had been cryin'. Whether it wuz the jouncin' uv the car, or whether the young one wuz hungry or hed a colic into it, I did n't know, but anyhow the train had n't pulled out uv Prairer City afore the baby began to take on.

She say she air feared I'll shoot my head off, an' she don't want no boys, 'thout heads, jouncin' round her house shucks! Which way did Birt take, Mister Perkins? 'kase I be goin' ter ketch up." "He war headed fur that thar salt lick, whenst I las' seen him," replied the tanner; "ef ye stir yer stumps right lively, mebbe ye'll overhaul him yit." Rufe rose precipitately.

"So I did look in the directory and got the number on Fifth Avenue where you used to be. I asked a policeman the nighest way to get there, and he said take a bus. Last time I was in New York I rode in one of those Fifth Avenue omnibuses, and I never got such a jouncin' in my life. The pavement then was round cobble stones, like some of the roads in Nantucket.