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"Is that possible?" exclaimed Cump Glass with well-simulated surprise. "Well, suh, smart minds shorely runs in the same grooves, ez the sayin' goes. Yas, suh, settin' yonder after I made that motion, I sez to myse'f, I sez, 'Glass, you done started this thing an' you must see it th'ough.

Why did not the man speak, or move, or do something, and He turned his head slowly; the man was laughing in a low, amused way. "You appear to be taken with that picture," observed a pleasant voice. "Perhaps you recognise it from there? It is a Corot." Jimmie Dale, with a well-simulated start, sat up and, with another quite as well simulated, stared at the masked man.

"I am shocked," said Werper, in well-simulated sympathy; "but I am not surprised. That devil there," and he pointed toward the body of Achmet Zek, "has terrorized the entire country. Your Waziri are either exterminated, or have been driven out of their country, far to the south. The men of Achmet Zek occupy the plain about your former home there is neither sanctuary nor escape in that direction.

It was part of their education to imitate the noises of every bird and beast of the forest. So they learned to lure the turkey within range, or by the bleat of a fawn to bring her dam to the rifle. A well-simulated wolf's howl would call forth a response and so inform the lone hunter of the vicinity of the pack.

Jane and 'Moll' scurried across the yard like rabbits, but stopped at the porch door with well-simulated surprise at the sight of the dragoons. "Gom, I thawt 'e'd set the house a-fire," said Jane thankfully, addressing the company at large, and she bravely bustled through and shrilled at me, "At it again, when your mother's out; y'd better get off to bed afore she comes in. She'll drunk yer."

Tutt, his lips trembling with well-simulated indignation. "Now, sir, who instigated this miserable deception I beg Your Honor's pardon! Who put you up to this game I mean, this course of conduct?" "Nobody," replied Brown in a surly tone. "Did you ever hear of the United Association of Veterinaries of the Greater City of New York sometimes referred to as The Horse Leeches' Union?" asked Mr.

She caught her breath sharply but with no other visible evidence of emotion held the paper up to the light. He watched her grimly, a mirthless smile on his lips. With a well-simulated gasp of horror she let the sheet fall on the floor and turned to him breathlessly. "It cannot be true! It is a lie! Oh! my poor friend!" Her voice was a curious commingling of fear and exultation.

Otherwise I suppose Miss Higglesby-Browne and I might have clawed each other forever without interference from him. "Really," I said with I hope well-simulated scorn, "since I am quite alone against half a dozen of you, I should think you could count on putting down any rebellion on my part very easily.

"You might cut out that Jacob stuff, wherever you got it," Mackenzie told him, not much interested in it, apparently. "Can't you take a joke, Mackenzie?" Reid made the inquiry in surprised voice, with a well-simulated inflection of injury. "But I don't want it rubbed in, Reid."

The young commander's eyes flashed fire at the seeming insult, and in tones vibrating with well-simulated passion he threatened the envoy with condign punishment for daring to give such a message to the commander-in-chief at his headquarters in the midst of his army. Let him and his men forthwith lay down their arms.