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Indeed, in the reasonableness of this expectation it cannot be a matter for reproach to one of the green grass-hoppers who need not be further indicated that he had already begun a well-simulated note of challenge to those around clad in brown, and to leap upwards in a preparatory essay, when the ever-alert Sir Philip took him affectionately by the arm, on the plea that the seclusion of a neighbouring pavilion afforded a desirable shade.

Stay, and we'll have an old-fashioned supper." "I couldn't be so cruel as to tear Elfreda away from such bliss," laughed Grace. The stout girl's predeliction for waffles was known to all her intimate friends. "How did you know my pet weakness?" Elfreda's round eyes grew rounder with well-simulated surprise. "Did Grace tell you?

This is the big night, old girl, as you'll find out before we're through." "Who was it?" she repeated with well-simulated impatience. "I guess she'll listen to me now," said Danglar, with a little chuckle. "Don't over-tax yourself any more, Matty. I'll tell you, Bertha; and it will perhaps make you feel better to know it took the slickest dip New York ever knew to beat you to the tape.

"He was at it when I left." "Everybody is reading it," said Kate. "The book has made a big sensation. Do you know who the hero is?" "Who?" he asked with an air of the greatest innocence. "Why, no less a personage than your father John Burkett Ryder himself! Everybody says it's he the press and everybody that's read it. He says so himself." "Really?" he exclaimed with well-simulated surprise.

At sight of him the woman drew back in revulsion, then she flew at him, tooth and nail; but Bukawai threatening her with a spear held her at a safe distance. "Where is my baby?" she cried. "Where is my little Tibo?" Bukawai opened his eyes in well-simulated amazement. "Your baby!" he exclaimed.

There was no use in avoiding the inevitable for a time. It would be better if they understood each other at once; and so she looked round at him with eyebrows elevated in well-simulated surprise, and said "Mine! What do you mean, my friend?"

"No." "If you mean to marry her, do not. Take advice. My mother has seen it," Nera added, with well-simulated horror. "She would not let me read it." Now this was the sheerest malice. Madame Boccarini had never seen the sonnet. But if she had, there was not one word in the sonnet that might not have been addressed to the Blessed Virgin herself.

"There's a man named Hagan here who wants to see you, Eben," announced Conscience. "He didn't seem inclined to tell me his business beyond saying that it was important." "Hagan, Hagan?" repeated the master of the house with brows drawn in well-simulated perplexity. "I don't seem to recognize the name. Do you know him?" "I never saw him before. Shall I send him in?" "I suppose it might be as well.

The vicar behaved gallantly, kept the secret of Elsmere's remark to himself like a man, and allowed himself certain counsels against matrimonial meddling which plunged Mrs. Thornburgh into well-simulated slumber.

Rather shamefacedly, with a well-simulated air of casualness, I dropped in upon a physician who is a friend of mine and in whose judgment I have confidence; and then, after a two-day interval, I went to see a second physician of my acquaintance who, I believe, also thoroughly knows his trade.