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"That grieves me. But, fortunately, I have in the house an experienced apothecary who can apply leeches and relieve thee of foul blood." "No, no," pleaded the unhappy Abi Fressah, finding his tongue at this dismal prospect. "Perchance a glass of rare cordial will revive thee," said Ben Maslia, taking one of the bottles from the table.

But, alas! how could I offend a man who was charitable enough to sit at my bedside a good hour, and talk on some other subject than pills and draughts, blisters and leeches? This is quite an easy interval. I am too weak to read; yet I feel as if I could enjoy something interesting. Why not have up Mrs. Dean to finish her tale? I can recollect its chief incidents, as far as she had gone.

"As this beaker!" exclaimed Gagabu, and he touched the rim of an empty drinking-vessel. "For fifteen years without ceasing. The man has been of service to us, is so still, and will continue to be. Our leeches extract salves from bitter gall and deadly poisons; and folks like these " "Hatred speaks in thee," said the haruspex, interrupting the indignant old man.

In a fearfully brief period the patient died, when it appeared that in the jar containing the leeches, had been introduced, by accident, one of the venomous vermicular sangsues which are now and then found in the neighboring ponds. This creature fastened itself upon a small artery in the right temple. Its close resemblance to the medicinal leech caused the mistake to be overlooked until too late.

These monopolies do not interfere with the custom-house, which levies its duties irrespectively of them. Leeches pay an export duty of 2s. 9d. the thousand; wax pays an ad valorem duty of fifty per cent; bark pays a very small duty, and millet scarcely a penny per quintal.

"But what is my lord's malady?" said Tressilian anxiously; "I heard nothing of his being ill." "I know not, sir," replied the man; "he is very ill at ease. The leeches are at a stand, and many of his household suspect foul practice-witchcraft, or worse." "What are the symptoms?" said Wayland Smith, stepping forward hastily. "Anan?" said the messenger, not comprehending his meaning.

'Fact honour! returned Bob Sawyer, stepping out into the shop, and demonstrating the veracity of the assertion by divers hard pulls at the little gilt knobs on the counterfeit drawers. 'Hardly anything real in the shop but the leeches, and THEY are second-hand. 'I shouldn't have thought it! exclaimed Mr. Winkle, much surprised.

This man had drunk the pea-soup like water of a tank dug in the side of the hill, rather than go a few hundred yards to a spring where the water is perfectly clear and pure. Though I have not met with another case of leeches being taken with drinking water, I am assured that such cases are occasionally met with about Agra and other towns in the North-West Provinces.

'But what is the meaning of this great liking for leeches? I asked. 'Well, replied my informant, 'I should tell you that the people about here always used to be bled when they had anything the matter with them. But the doctors will do it no longer, consequently we do it ourselves.

"But he is really a capital fellow," said Lord Reginald. "He sticks like a leech to me, and I can always depend upon him." "Leeches suck blood," answered the marquis, laughing. "I don't think you have well considered the simile." "I mean that he is always ready at hand when I want him to do anything I require," answered Lord Reginald. "He is the most convenient fellow I ever met."