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I had noticed that at no tomb front were these tokens piled more abundantly, or more beautifully or fragrantly, than at those of Flora and the entomologist; it was always so. I had remarked this on the spot, and Senda, with her rearranging touch still caressing their splendid masses, replied, "So? vell I hope siss shall mine vork and mine pleassure be until mineself I shall fade like se floweh."

"I vork und vork mine head off keeping you fellers filled oop tree times a day alreatty; I not vork und vork to feed you effery hour, py cosh. You go mitout till supper iss reaty for you yet." Big Medicine, his frog-like eyes standing out from his sun-reddened face, stared agape. "Well, by cripes!"

Haven't I hobeyed all horders that vas given? Have I spent much dust in my vast researches; and haven't I even had to get drunk to please ye? And now, ven the vork is completed, I is looked at coldly!" The hypocrite dug his knuckles into his eyes, and attempted to force a tear, but the effort was a failure; he knew it, and attempted to cover his confusion by pretending to sob bitterly.

Come now; eat, an' ve vill go to vork again. Ve must certainly find zee booterflies somevere before night." But Verkimier was wrong.

'Ere's the children; now sit right down wth hus, and velcome. Since we're neighbors we'll be neighborly and friendly like; and before yer know hit, yer'll be snug and comfortable hin your hown rooms, and yer can be jist as 'appy bin 'em has hever yer vas him yer life. Bein' poor and 'aving to vork hain't the vorst troubles in the vorld."

"My gootness, no I was downstairs looking at Holbrook's sdained class, and I shoost thought I'd sdep up a minute and take a beep at your vork." "Much obliged, I'm sure especially as I assume that you don't want any of it." Try as he would, Stanwell could not keep a note of eagerness from his voice. Mr. Shepson caught the note, and eyed him shrewdly through gold-rimmed glasses.

Quit der job at Hansen's? Haf der good time vit der boys? No, no; he iss der good boy. He vork efery day. He fight at night before der clubs. He say, 'Vat for I pay der rent, Silverstein? to me, Silverstein, he say dat. Nefer mind vat I say, but he buy der good house for der mudder. All der time he vork at Hansen's and fight before der clubs to pay for der house.

"I vould like to vork for you," he exclaimed. "Would you?" laughed the politician. "I think perhaps you may some day." The minor social conventions, which, after all, are possibly the major ones, were consistently ignored by Shelby. "Not at home?" he repeated after Ruth's maid. "I guess you're mistaken. I saw Miss Temple at the window as I drove in the gate.

We go to his folks dey leev up in Michigan. He try vork dere and I coom back on a veesit to Yon Yonson's wife. He vork for Misder Latham." "Yes, I know!" cried Janice, anxiously. "Now Willie bane coom back to his old yob at de pickle vorks. And how is you? You look fine." "Oh, Olga, we have been dreadfully worried. When when you went away from our house did you see a little box like a jewel box?

"I am ver' much afrait," said he, as he went in, "dat I hafe done a bat day's vork. Vell, we must make it up some oder vays." "De misfortune is dat you shall hafe been caught, mein Herr Baron," said the worthy German, whose whole care was for appearances. "Ja, my miss'ess en titre should be in a position vody of me," said this Louis XIV. of the counting-house.