United States or Mexico ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

So young, so sad, thus alone in the world; who ever heard of such a fate? "But there were people who came with you in the ship?" said John. "There is some one who knows who you are, I suppose." "No, no von dat knows," replied the newcomer. "Haf done vid too much questions," interrupted Farmer Weitbreck. "I haf him asked all. He stays till harvest be done. He can vork.

Every day I teach you de great art of de actor. You come with me dot way, mein frient?" "Certainly; that will be perfectly satisfactory." "Ah," delightedly, "you vos a goot poy, villin' to learn, I see. Next season, who knows, you might be leading man if you vork hardt. I bay you now after one veek's trial, when I know petter vot you are vort, hey?"

"Der United States marshal vaiting for you on der veranda iss," answered Carl solemnly. "Well, what do I care?" asked Ted. "He's come at a mighty busy time if he just wants to swap a little conversation. Did he say what he wanted?" "No, but he say it is very important vork, an' for you to hurry." "My compliments to the marshal, and tell him I'm busy, and will see him as soon as I get through.

Archie hurried aboard to find the steward, who immediately took him into the galley and introduced him to the cook, a large, fat Frenchman, with small, blue eyes set far back in his head. He seemed to be a pleasant man, and Archie thought that he would like him very much. "Well, does ze youngster vant to vork, eh! Eef he do, I say you pare zis potate for dinee as quick you can."

I make you a contract fer ten years, and I pay you five hunded dollars a veek, vedder you vork or not, and you vouldn't have to vork so much, because I don't catch myself makin' a million dollar feature picture vit gawd amighty and de angels in it for no regular veekly releases.

Dat is all. He vas great for vork. Dat Alf vas not goot as he."

"Vat you tink?" cried Stankewitz. "I veigh tventy pounds more already tventy pounds! They vork you like hell in that army, but they treat you good. You don't never have such good grub before, not anyvere you vork." "You like it?" demanded Jimmy, in amazement. "Sure I like it, you bet your money! I learn lots of things vat I didn't know before.

"I guess I'm as American as they make 'em." "I am from Bavaria," Lauer told him. "Vill you shmoke? I light mine bibe mit your vife's permission." "Yes," he continued, stuffing the bowl of his pipe with a stubby forefinger, "I am from Bavaria. Dere I vass upon a farm brought oop. I serf in der army my dime. Den Ameriga. Dere I marry my vife, who is born in Milvaukee. I vork in der big brreweries.

You tink we are fine gentlemen and ladies, like dese Americans dat is too proud to vork vid hands. I say tam dis country, vere day say all is alike, an' vork all; and ven you come here, it is dat nobody vill vork, if he can help, and vimmins ish shame to be seen vork. It is not shame to be seen vork; I vork, mein vife vork too, an' my childrens vork too, py tam!"

We shall have to confine our operations to London while Max and Mr. Behrend here will be entrusted with the task of getting the news out to our submarines." No. 13 broke in excitedly. "Vork in London, vork in London!" he cried. "It is too dangerous, my vriend. Vot do I know of London? But, London... it is senseless!" Mortimer turned his gig-lamps on the interrupter.