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"And why not, my good woman?" "Lor' love you, marm, if that curril could speak, who knows vot it might say, eh, lad, who knows? You sees, marm, my good man had not a long been dead; I could not a get no vork no vays. 'Becky Carruthers, says I, 'you must go out in the streets a begging! I niver thought I should a come to that.

"An' yet," sighed Mottle-face, "'e 'ad a werry good 'eart as 'ighvaymen's 'earts go; never shot nobody unless 'e couldn't help it, an' ven 'e did, 'e allus made a werry neat job of it, an' polished 'em off nice an' qvick." "Hum!" said the fussy gentleman, "still, I'm glad he's hanged." "Black Dan used to vork the roads south o' London,

He buy der pread an' der meat, an' pay der rent. On Saturday night he bring home ten dollar. Den Hansen gif him twelve dollar vat he do? He iss der liddle fader, he bring it home to der mudder. He vork all der time, he get twenty dollar vat he do? He bring it home.

'Id is a gread vork, he announced solemnly when it was all over. 'Id is peautifully written, and that is your affair, younk Armstronk. But the goncebtion is clorious, ant that is my affair. Vot? Not? I am Cheorge Dargo, and I know my trade.

"Keep your advice for those who ask it," returned Smith, bluntly, want of success having made him cross. "Vell, haven't you all been haxing me, and don't I tell vere the money is? If you 'spect to get it, you must vork." "Then take hold of this pickaxe, and see how you like it. Jump into the hole without a word, or I'll help you with my heavy hand!" cried Smith, somewhat irritated.

It iss true I haf a little in de beginning. It iss three year ago. I know some English I haf learn in sailing once to England, for de Finns go eferyvere to sail. I am not helpless so, and I am large and strong, and soon I go to de many, many china-stores so many, I say, dat can nefer be to vant vork and in one dey take me.

"I been in America," went on the other. "I vork by sveat-shop in Grand Street." You could see that he preferred gossiping to carrying wood; he stood about and questioned, "Vere you vork in America?" When the peasant grumbled at him in Russian, he went back at his job; but as he went away, he said, "I talk vit you some time about America."

But dere iss no vork, even ven I look all day, and I am hungry; and den I dink to steal again. I vait, because perhaps vork come, but at night I go out and say, "I know my old ground. Dere's plenty ready to velcome me if I'm a mind to join 'em."

Gif me a little vork. "I am dirty: Brita iss not dere to haf me clean. I vash as I can, in vater anyvere, but I sleep on de ground. I eat not often. I am vild truly, I know, and soon peoples are afraid. Den, my lady, I haf no more faith. I say, 'God, you haf forgotten me: you haf forgotten vat you promise.

I shall gif it. I do not know if t'e human type is t'e highest t'at eart' is capable of supporting, but it is t'e highest present type, and it shall be my vork to gif it t'at for v'ich it has hungered and t'irsted, and towards v'ich slowly it has groped its vay; it shall be my vork to gif humanity beauty and perfection." The light that illumined his yellow, wrinkled face made me cry out: