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I shall vork for two!" "Listen, my good, my faithful, adorable friend. Let me speak, I have not much time left. I am a dead man. I cannot recover from these repeated shocks." Schmucke was crying like a child. "Just listen," continued Pons, "and cry afterwards. As a Christian, you must submit. I have been robbed.

"Ten sovereigns," repeated the fellow, slowly, as though considering of the matter; "you don't know how it vould hinjure my conscience to sell the secrets of the commissioner." "I will make them fifteen, then," I answered. "That is somethin' like. The vork is done, and no mistake. The captain vill have the information. To-morrow I vill come for the shiners."

"Where did you study art, Captain?" "I haven't studied; it's a natural gift." "He is born mit dose cannon in him. He tondt haf to do noding, his chenius do all de vork. Of he is asleep, and take a pencil in his hand, out come a cannon. Py crashus, of he could do a clavier, of he could do a guitar, of he could do a vashtub, it is a fortune, heiliger Yohanniss it is yoost a fortune!"

"I wish I could go with you," said Tom, looking wistfully at his brother. "It will be best that I go alone, Tom," said Dick. "One can do spy-work better than two." "I vould lige dot sby vork," said Fritz Schmockenburg, a fat, Dutch soldier, gravely. "It's a foine spoy yez would be afther makin', Fritz," chuckled Tim Murphy, a merry Irish patriot.

"Come quickly," she cried, catching hold of his hand and starting to run, "Aunt Phoebe will bleed to death!" Dr. Hoffman hurried to the spot and tied up the severed artery. "Who put on de tourniquet?" he asked. "I did," replied Hinpoha. "Good vork, good vork," said Dr. Hoffman approvingly, "if it had not ben for dat it vould haf been too late ven I came."

You are a brown American. You shall be t'e most beautiful brown American t'at efer lifed. And you shall be first. Vit' you as an example we shall convince t'e vorld. Ve shall accomplish in t'ree generations t'e vork of a hundred t'ousand years of defelopment.

I could dig, I vould go far off, but I haf not money; but I say, 'Ven I get plenty it shall be ve go to vere earth shall gif us to eat, and not starve us as here. For soon it iss little to eat, and it iss dat ve sell clothes and such as ve must. I get vork a little on de docks.

And alvays I see my own hungry! I dink I could kill myself; but dat helps not, and I go avay, oh, eferyvere about New York, and beg for vork. And den eferyvere it iss said, 'He is a tramp, and alvays dey tell me, 'No, ve gif not to tramps. Go to vere you came from. I say, 'I am not tramps. My children are hungry. Gif me vork: I vant to eat for dem not money, but to eat if you vill.

He got de claim all fix an' vork on it some to vintertime. Nex spring he say he get a gang going. Vants me for foreman, he do." This was pleasant news. Hugo would be a neighbor, for what are a dozen miles or so in the wilderness? He would be coming back and forth for provisions, for dynamite, for anything he needed. "We had a fine trip anyway, and saw a lot of country," declared Hugo, cheerfully.

You haf not done your yearly assessment vork on dis or any oder claims!" "Say, who called you in on this?" inquired Bunker Hill coldly. "You danged, bat-headed Dutchman, you keep butting in on my deals and I'll forget and bust you on the jaw!"