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He was nicer than me because my hair was red, and pretty soon she began to like him, and he liked her too. So the day before the vedding she went down the Rhine to Frankfort by the boat, and he went down by train, and there they met and was married the one to the other." "And what did you do?" the major asked with interest.

Hare ve to be at the vedding, capn?" "Dem your impudence! I'll cross-buttock yah!" "Hold your tongue, Bill queering a gent. Draw it mild, captain. Debtancosts ain't paid yet. Here they come, though." Lucy returned swiftly, holding aloft a slip of paper. "There, sir, that is a check for 90 pounds; it is the same thing as money, you are doubtless aware." The man took it and inspected it keenly.

He made friends; people began to like to see him. The Munsbergs regarded him as an inspiration of their own. "He seen my name over de store and come in here first time he vas sent up dis vay to look for t'ings to write," Mr. Munsberg always explained. "Ve vas awful busy time of the Schwartz vedding, an' dere vas dat blizzard.

That evening we were all at dinner when Elsie rushed in with a cry of joy. "I got it!" she said. "I haf untied der meaning of dot R. S. V. P. It means Real Silver Vedding Presents!" I was just about to drink a glass of water, so I changed my mind and nearly choked to death.

"Say, Bangs, if ve could put this vedding into a play, just like they done it here, ve could vake up Broadvay a little ain't it?" Bangs nodded, vaguely. His brown eyes were alternately on the bride and on his chum and partner, her brother. He was conscious of an odd depression, of an emotion, new and poignant, that made him understand the tears of Barbara's women friends.

"'R.S.V.P.," Morris replied, emphasizing each letter with a motion of his hand, "means 'Remember to send vedding present." "But," Abe rejoined, "when I went to night school, we spelt 'wedding' with a W." "A greenhorn like Maimin," said Morris, "don't know no better." "He knows enough to ask for a wedding present, Mawruss," Abe commented, "even if he don't know how to spell it.

"Besides, young men are too selfish; they think more of themselves than of us; while you, now, think only of me. I am all your life to you. And I will take nothing more from you. I want to prove to you how disinterested I am." "Vy, I hafe gifen you notink," cried the Baron, enchanted. "I propose to gife you to-morrow tirty tousant francs a year in a Government bond. Dat is mein vedding gift."