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Then he sprang out onto the floor of the garage. "Ryan," he bellowed to his foreman, "get the big jack, and tell Schwartz to start up the motor lathe." Then he turned to Abe and Mawruss. "This here'll be a two hours' job, gents," he said, "and I advise you to get your supper at the hotel acrosst the street." "But how much is it going to cost us?" Morris asked.

Schwartz threw away a gold piece as another man would take a stimulant. Gradually, without really thinking about it, I came to see this, and then went on to sabe why Denton picked up the coins; and a great admiration for Denton's cleverness seeped through me like water through the sand. He was saving the coins to keep Schwartz going. When the last coin went, Schwartz would give out.

I knew where she lived; and Fritz most kindly offered to go to her. By the time Schwartz was found, and brought to the house, Madame Fontaine was just able to understand what he said, and no more. I began to recognize the symptoms of Mr. Keller's illness. The apathy which you remember was showing itself already.

But this does not restrain Rothe from deliberately advising his fellow-men to a different course. Rothe names Marheineke, DeWette, von Ammon, Herbart, Hartenstein, Schwartz, Harless, and Reinhard, as agreeing in the main with his position; while as opposed to it he mentions Kant, Fichte, Krause, Schleiermacher, von Hirscher, Nitzsch, Flatt, and Baumgarten-Crusius.

Ole leaped lightly down, followed by Schwartz, who hobbled laboriously, stiffened with cold. Youth and violent labor had kept the fireman warm. "Schwartz," said Jim, "there is a chance that we'll find the trestle weakened and dangerous. We'll stop and examine it if we have time, but if it is as close a thing as I think it will be, we propose to make a run for it and take chances.

Schwartz forgot his ear trumpet," Bunch said quickly, and Ikey was wise to the tip in a minute. Peaches sniffed suspiciously, and I knew she had the gloves on. "Mr. Schwartz's affliction is terrible," she said with a chill in every word. "How did you converse with him before our arrival?"

It was Major Schwartz himself, the chief of the spy system there I learned that later. He said to me in very correct French, with hardly a trace of accent to betray his origin: "'Corporal Vinson, we have paid you lavishly for information of no value, but you will have to serve us better than that, and we shall continue to treat you well.

"If ever I catch you here again," muttered Schwartz, coming, half frightened, out of the corner but, before he could finish his sentence, the old gentleman had shut the house door behind him with a great bang: and there drove past the window, at the same instant, a wreath of ragged cloud, that whirled and rolled away down the valley in all manner of shapes; turning over and over in the air; and melting away at last in a gush of rain.

Margarita leaned to her father a moment as if mortal sickness had seized her. Then cramping her hands and feet, she said in his ear, 'Leave me to my own care; go, get the men to protect thee'; and ordered Schwartz Thier to open the door wide. Seeing Gottlieb would not leave her, she joined her hands, and begged him. 'The good God will protect me! I will overmatch these men.

Brady and Olson were charging the Germans in the rear with Wilson, Whitely, and Sinclair supporting them with bare fists. It seemed that Bradley was doomed when, apparently out of space, an arrow whizzed, striking Schwartz in the side, passing half-way through his body to crumple him to earth.