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Updated: August 4, 2024

"Fact is, it's kind of upsettin' to find it so rich here." "Give you leave to upset me that way all day." "Y' see, I bought another claim over yonder where I done a lot o' work last summer and fall. Built a cabin and put up a sluice. I got to be up there soon as the ice goes out. Don't see how I got time to do my assessment here too. Wish I was twins." "Why don't you sell this?"

"Harbouring," she cried, "harbouring let me hear that word come out o' your impident mouth again, ye upsettin' body wi' the black bag, and I'll gie ye the weight o' my hand against the side o' your face.

But we never got on well, she being upsettin' and masterful, so arsk her to my weddin' I didn't, and denied relatives existing, which they do, she bein' alive ten years ago when she larst wrote." "You have not heard from her since?" asked Paul, inquisitively. "Sir, you may burn me or prison me or put me in pillaries," said Mrs. Tawsey, "but deceive you I won't.

Edward an' some other gentleman talkin' 'bout how folks was always tryin' now to be upsettin' of hist'ry; an' Bill says he reckons that 'bout George Washington was just another upsettin', an' him an' me ain't goin' to believe it." "That's right, Jim, keep your faith in Washington, and show that you do so by adopting his name," said Milly.

"H-how much did you git for your wool, Chester h-how much?" "Guess you hain't here to talk about wool, Bije," said Chester, red with anger. "Kind of neglectin' the farm lately, I hear," observed Bijah. "Jethro Bass sent you up to find out how much I was neglectin' it," retorted Chester, throwing all caution to the winds. "Thinkin' of upsettin' Jethro, be you?

'Dinna ye ken a proverb whan ye hear 't? De'il hae ye! ye're as sharpset as a missionar'. I was only gaun to say that I'm doobtin' Andrew's deid. 'Ay! ay! commenced a chorus of questioning. 'Mhm! 'Aaay! 'What gars ye think that? 'And sae he's deid! 'He was a great favourite, Anerew! 'Whaur dee'd he? 'Aye some upsettin' though! 'Ay. He was aye to be somebody wi' his tale.

However, as he did not wish to put a damper on their fun, he said nothing, resolved to turn back at the first sign of any "inward upsettin'," as he expressed it. The breeze had increased, and as it was directly from off shore the Old Glory bowled along merrily over the waves. Nobody showed the least sign of seasickness, and they talked, laughed, and sang as if they had not a care in the world.

Thinkin' of upsettin' Jethro?" remarked Bije, in a genial tone. "Folks in Clovelly hain't got nothin' to do with it, if I am," said Chester. "Leetle early for campaignin', Chester, leetle early." "We do our campaignin' when we're a mind to." Bijah looked around. "Well, that's funny. I could have took oath I seed Rias Richardson here." There was a deep silence.

"Well, gals is hity-tity, and widders is kinder overrulin' and upsettin'. But old maids is thankful and willin' to please." So Easy When it is Explained A woman riding in a Philadelphia trolley-car said to the conductor: "Can you tell me, please, on what trolley-cars I can use these exchange slips? They mix me up somewhat." "They really shouldn't, madam," said the polite conductor.

Costello, en passant. "Sister, if you don't want me in any of the dances, I'll take meself out of your way! No, indeed, the Mayor won't be annoyed by anything, girls, so go ahead with your duets, for he's taken the boys off to the Orpheum an hour ago, the way they couldn't be at their tricks upsettin' everything!" And presently she laid her hand on Marg'ret Hammond's shoulder.

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