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Updated: August 2, 2024

Then we're goin' to lower the gig that you had when you picked us up she bein' the most wholesomest boat of the two and put everything into her that we're goin' to tike with us includin' plenty o' grub and water. And at the last minute, when we're ready to shove off, you and the lidy are to be set upon and battened down below, and then we all jumps into the boat and makes sail."

'When one's 'ad a drop too much at night, there's nothin' like havin' a drop more in the mornin' ter put one right. It just acts like magic. 'Tike it awy, said Liza, turning from it in disgust; 'the smell of it gives me the sick. I'll never touch spirits again. 'Ah, thet's wot we all says sometime in our lives, but we does, an' wot's more we can't do withaht it.

But he met me with his saucer-eyes twinkling, and the light glowing and spreading in his face till it was as a full-risen moon. "Ha! ha! ha!" he laughed. "The funniest tike, that youngster of mine! Did you ever hear the like? Let me tell you. He was down playing by the edge of the river when a piece of the bank caved in and splashed him.

He answered, with admiring awe: "I've heard about you. You're a wonder; that's what you are, Charity Coe, a wonder. Here's a big hulk like me loafing around trying to kill time, and a little tike like you over there in France spending a fortune of money and more strength than even you've got in a slaughter-house of a war hospital. How did you stand it?"

'I saw at once wot it was, said Mrs. Hodges, nodding her head. 'Yus, of course, you knew. I expect you've 'ad a great deal of practice one way an' another. 'You're right, Mrs. Kemp, you're right. I've been on the job now for nearly twenty years, an' if I don't know somethin' abaht it I ought. 'D'yer finds it pays well? 'Well, Mrs. Kemp, tike it all in all, I ain't got no grounds for complaint.

She was a bit hard-mouthed, with iron-gray hair, but her eyes looked as though they'd seen a lot and learned not to flinch, though they still felt like it. I knew that kind of look I'd seen it at the Cruelty. "What an unpleasant job this of yours is," I said to her, smiling up at her for all the world as that tike of a baby had smiled at me, and watching her melt just as I had.

Sam thought of that last night; says he: `If we don't mind our weather heye, that there feller aft may break his way out from below a'ter we're gone, and get away in t'other boat. And Dirk, he says: `Tike the "doctor's" coal hammer and smash in a bottom plank. That'll stop any sich little gime as you speaks of, Sam. And a'ter a little more talk, Sam ups and does it while you was below, asleep."

"Forehanded little tike," said Sharon, admiringly. "And smart! She can outsmart us all any day in the week!" In a dim upper bedroom in the big house Wilbur Cowan divested himself of woman's raiment for probably the last time in his life. He hurried more than he might have, because the room was full of large, strange, terrifying furniture. It was a place to get out of as soon as he could.

Liza listened rather crossly, feeling bored at the detail into which Sally was going: the piece really didn't much interest her. 'One 'ud think yer'd never been to a theatre in your life before, she said. 'I never seen anything so good, I can tell yer. You tike my tip, and git Tom ter tike yer. 'I don't want ter go; an' if I did I'd py for myself an' go alone. 'Cheese it!

He thought for a while, and then said: 'You're abaht right there, Liza; I dunno if I could get on without the kids. If I could only tike them an' you too, swop me bob, I should be 'appy. Liza smiled sadly. 'So yer see, Jim, we're in a bloomin' 'ole, an' there ain't no way aht of it thet I can see. He took her on his knees, and pressing her to him, kissed her very long and very lovingly.

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