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Play with it, tease it and roll it over as a dog her puppy, mock it when it is too timorous, laugh at it, scold it when it really bothers you for a child must learn not to bother another person and when it makes you genuinely angry, spank it soundly. But always remember that it is a single little soul by itself; and that the responsibility for the wise, warm relationship is yours, the adult's.

Carol Kennicott, you're probably right, but you're too much ahead of the times. Juanita, quit looking so belligerent. What is this, a card party or a hen fight? Carol, you stop admiring yourself as the Joan of Arc of the hired girls, or I'll spank you. You come over here and talk libraries with Ethel Villets. Boooooo! If there's any more pecking, I'll take charge of the hen roost myself!"

Of course she'll flirt with anything you know how she holds hands and laughs that laugh that horrible brassy laugh the way she yaps, 'You naughty man, you better be careful or my big husband will be after you! and the guy looking me over and thinking, 'Why, you cute little thing, you run away now or I'll spank you! And she'll let him go just far enough so she gets some excitement out of it and then she'll begin to do the injured innocent and have a beautiful time wailing, 'I didn't think you were that kind of a person. They talk about these demi-vierges in stories "

As Millard's course forward could end only in the sea, Jack now crouched low, stealing along a parallel course behind a low ridge of rock. Then Millard suddenly stepped into a clump of tall bushes. Though his game was now out of sight, Jack did not lose his nerve, for he could hear the fellow. Spink! spank! clank! The noise came from a shovel, vigorously used.

Why, I'd lead you down there by the ear, every mother's son of you, and tell that man Stanley to SPANK you!" "Mum can whip her weight in wildcats any old time," Wally announced after a heavy silence, and glared aggressively from one foolish-looking face to another.

"She left in a hurry," Janice explained. "She she got mad. One of the neighbor's boys played a trick on her and she left." "Ye don't be tellin' me? Couldn't she spank the boy? Sure, 'tis no sinse them foreigners has." "I hope you will not take offense so easily," Janice rejoined. "Here is clean linen for your bed. We send the flat work to the laundry.

She left the old gentleman's side, and advanced to within a yard of the profligate. "Old as I am," said she, "I'm strong enough to spank such a white-livered, broken-down puppy as you are. But I'll leave you to the hands of the law. It's a long lane that hasn't any turning, remember; and you'll pull up at the gallows at last. That's some comfort!" Mrs.

"So Miss Fletcher doesn't care to come and lunch in my yard," he remarked. "No," returned Hazel, pausing and regarding him. "She says she used to know you well enough to spank you, too." Mr. Badger laughed. "She certainly did." "Then error must have crept in," said the little girl, "that she doesn't know you now." "I used to think it had, when she got after me."

But I could tell worse things than THAT of Mrs. Leander Crawford, if I was disposed to gossip. And as for Mrs. Alec Davis, if she had said that to me, Mrs. Dr. dear, do you know what I would have said? I would have said, 'I have no doubt you would like to spank Faith, Mrs. Davis, but you will never have the chance to spank a minister's daughter either in this world or in that which is to come."

"You'll do what?" cried the big fellow, mockingly, as he tightened his grasp to a painful extent, when spank! Aleck's left fist flew out, striking the man full on the right cheek, not a heavy blow, but as hard as the boy could deliver, hampered as he was, being dragged close to his assailant's breast. "Why, you " roared the man.