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"Have you no shame? ... My sister Ann spoke well of you. She made excuses she pitied you." That for Ellen seemed the culminating blow under which she almost sank. But one moment longer could she maintain this unnatural and terrible poise. "Jean Isbel go along with y'u," she said, impatiently. "I'm waiting heah for Simm Bruce!" At last it was as if she struck his heart.

"Scissors cuts only what comes between 'em," soliloquized Mrs. Simm, when the door closed behind him. "If ever I meddle with a courting-business again, my name a'n't Martha Simm. No, they may go to Halifax, whoever they be, 'fore ever I'll lift a finger." It is a great pity that the world generally has not been brought to make the same wise resolution.

Your dad got me heah to lead the Jorths, an' that's my say to you.... Simm, you're shore a low-down lyin' rascal. Keep away from Ellen after this or I'll bore you myself.... Jorth, it won't be a bad idee for you to forget you're a Texan till you cool off. Let Bruce stop some Isbel lead.

"Shore they're bustin' with news," declared Daggs. "They been ridin' some, you bet," remarked another. "Huh!" exclaimed Jorth. "Bruce shore looks queer to me." "Red liquor," said Tad Jorth, sententiously. "You-all know the brand Greaves hands out." "Naw, Simm ain't drunk," said Jackson Jorth. "Look at his bloody shirt."

An' when Simm Bruce busted in some of the gang haw-hawed him an' said as how he'd get the third cut from Jean Isbel's bowie. Bruce was half drunk an' he began to cuss an' rave about Jean Isbel bein' in love with his girl.... As bad luck would have it, a couple of more fellars come in an' asked Meeker questions.

When he seen Isbel darn me if he didn't swell an' bustle all up like a mad ole turkey gobbler. "'Greaves, he said, 'if thet fellar's Jean Isbel I ain't hankerin' fer the company y'u keep. An' he made no bones of pointin' right at Isbel. Greaves looked up dry an' sour an' he bit out spiteful-like: 'Wal, Simm, we ain't hed a hell of a lot of choice in this heah matter.

If you want to get up there, I'll show you the way in the house, and you can step right out of the window. Just wait till I've told Ellen about the dinner." As Mrs. Simm disappeared, Mr. Clerron said softly to Ivy, "Come!" and in a moment Ivy bounded up the ladder and through an opening in the vine, and stood by his side. "I'm ready now, Miss Ivy," said Mrs. Simm, reappearing. "Miss Ivy!

Arriving at the house, she went, as usual, into the library without ringing, but, not finding the books, proceeded in search of Mrs. Simm. That notable lady was sitting behind a huge pile of clean clothes, sorting and mending to her heart's content. She looked up over her spectacles at Ivy's bright "good morning," and invited her to come in. Ivy declined, and begged to know if Mrs.

It was true that the thought which Mrs. Simm had suggested had never crossed her mind before; yet it is no less true, that, all-unconsciously, she had been weaving a golden web, whose threads, though too fine and delicate even for herself to perceive, were yet strong enough to entangle her life in their meshes.

All her emotions waited for the end. She begged Sprague to hurry. "Wal, I wish I could skip the next chapter an' hev only the last to tell," rejoined the old man, and he put a heavy, but solicitous, hand upon hers.... Simm Bruce haw-hawed loud an' loud.... 'Say, Nez Perce, he calls out, most insolent-like, 'we air too good sheepmen heah to hev the wool pulled over our eyes.