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Shore I thought he'd been killed in the Big Bend country. So I heard.... An' there's Craig, another respectable sheepman of Grass Valley. Haw-haw! An', wal, I don't recognize any more of them." Jean forthwith took the glass and moved it slowly across the faces of that group of horsemen. "Simm Bruce," he said, instantly. "I see Colter. And, yes, Greaves is there.

He jest got to thet part, 'Greaves, it's the half-breed, an' he's goin' to cut you FIRST FOR ELLEN JORTH, when in walked your father! ... Then it all had to come out what Jean Isbel had said an' done an' why. How Greaves had backed Simm Bruce in slurrin' you!" Sprague paused to look hard at Ellen. "Oh! Then what did dad do?" whispered Ellen.

There was such a frown on his brow as Ivy had never seen. She quailed before it. "Do not be angry! Alas! I am not trifling. Life itself is not worth so much as your love. But the impassable gulf is between us just the same." "What is it? Who put it there?" "God put it there. Mrs. Simm showed it to me." "Mrs. Simm be ! A prating gossip!

"Where you goin' with your gun? I'd rather you hung round heah now." "Reckon I might as well get used to packing my gun all the time," replied Ellen. "Reckon I'll be treated more like a man." Then the event Ellen had been expecting all morning took place. Simm Bruce and Lorenzo rode around the slope of the Knoll and trotted toward the cabin. Interest in Ellen was relegated to the background.

Simm looked in, and, seeing Ivy, informed her that Mr. Clerron was in the garden, and desired her to come out. Ivy immediately followed Mrs. Simm into the garden. On the south side of the house was a piazza two stories high. Along the pillars which supported it a trellis-work had been constructed, reaching several feet above the roof of the piazza.