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Updated: August 8, 2024

He knocked again in precisely the same manner, and then a footstep sounded from within, and the door was flung open. "Fools!" growled Shluker in greeting, as they stepped inside and the door was closed again. "A pair of brainless fools!" There were two men there. They paid Shluker scant attention.

So youse just take a sneak wid yerself, an' fix a nice little alibi fer us so's we won't be takin' any chances." Shluker frowned. "But what's the good of that?" he demurred. "French Pete and Marny Day 'll see you anyway." "Will dey!" scoffed the Pug. "Guess once more! A coupla handkerchiefs over our mugs is good enough fer dem, if youse holds yer end up.

The idea had first come to her from the Pug's remark to Shluker that, after they had secured the money, Pinkie would return with it to the Pug's room, while the Pug would go and square things with Danglar.

She had counted a great deal on this Shluker here, and Shluker was not proving the fount of information, far from it, that she had hoped he would. She tried again-even more peremptorily than before. "Aw, open up!" she snapped. "Wot's de use bein' a clam! Youse heard me, didn't youse? Where is he?" Shluker leaned abruptly forward, and looked at her in a suddenly perturbed way.

He got away with it, all right, and they let go him to-day; but he phoned a little while ago that they were still stickin' around kind of close to him, and that I was to pass the word that the lid was to go down tight for the next few days, and " Shluker stopped abruptly as the telephone rang, and reached for the instrument.

The long summer evening had served at least to sear, somehow, those two faces upon her mind. It was singular that they should intrude themselves at this moment! She had been thinking, hadn't she, that at this hour she might naturally expect to find Shluker still in his shop? That was why she had come so early since she had not cared to come in full daylight.

An' dey wouldn't talk fer publication, anyway, would dey?" Shluker smiled now-almost ingratiatingly. "And how much is my end worth?" he inquired softly. "One of dem thousand-dollar engravin's," stated the Pug promptly. "An' Pinkie'll run around an' slip it to youse before mornin'." "All right," said Shluker, after a moment. "It's half past eight now.

Rhoda Gray fumbled unnecessarily with her shawl, as the other answered the call. Failure! A curious bitterness came to her. Her plan then, for to-night it least, was a failure. Shluker did not know where Danglar was. She was quite convinced of that. Shluker was She glanced suddenly at the wizened little old man. From an ordinary tone, Shluker' s voice had risen sharply in protest about something.

How minutely every detail of the night now seemed to explain itself and dovetail with every other one! At the time, when Shluker had been present, it had struck her as a little forced and unnecessary that the Pug should have volunteered to seek out Danglar with explanations after the money had been secured. But she understood now the craft and guile that lay behind his apparently innocent plan.

"Is there anything wrong?" he asked in a tense, lowered voice. "What makes you so anxious to know?" Rhoda Gray laughed shortly. "Nothin'!" she answered coolly. "I told youse once, didn't I? I got a scare readin' dem papers an' I ain't over it yet. Dat's wot I want to know for, an' youse seem afraid to open up!" Shluker sank back again in his chair with an air of relief. "Oh!" he ejaculated.

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