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Drusilla reached over and patted his hand. "Just you set right still, John Brierly, and don't get excited. I ain't felt so young sence mother scolded me for walkin' out with you." She laughed a little happy laugh. "Why, it takes me back fifty years!" "Oh, Drusilla," murmured John. "If it makes you talked about " "Makes me talked about!

Ever sence you growed up to be a man you've used me just as mean as you knowed how; an' now we'll fight it out right here." At this went up a chorus of disapproval: and Goodine said, "I'll be d d if I'm a-goin to strike the man what's jest saved my life!" "You needn't let that worry you, Bill," replied Reddin. "We're quits there.

Don't he look more contented than he has sence he got off the cars? I tell you, Bailey, that child fills a place in Whit's life that's been runnin' to seed and needed weedin'. Nothin' could fill it better unless 'twas a nice wife." "WIFE! Oh, DO be still! I believe you're woman-struck and at an age when it hadn't ought to be catchin' no more'n whoopin' cough." Mr.

It was so onexpected, an' so soon over, that them as was watchin' upstream, where the men was to work on the falls, wouldn't 'a' hed time to see him go down. But I did, an' nobody ain't heard me swear sence, though it's ten years ago. I allers said it was rum an' bravadder that killed Pretty Quick Waterman that day. The boys hedn't give him a 'dare' that he hedn't took up.

Brer Tarrypin done heerd 'im comin', en he 'low ter hisse'f dat he'd sorter keep one eye open; but Brer Fox wuz monstus perlite, en he open up de confab, he did, like he ain't see Brer Tarrypin sence de las' freshit. "'Heyo, Brer Tarrypin, whar you bin dis long-come-short? sez Brer Fox, sezee. "'Lounjun 'roun', Brer Fox, lounjun 'roun', sez Brer Tarrypin.

Nor when I had done, did I less repent of my ridiculous passion, and with a conscious blush, began to think, how unaccountable it was, that forgetting all shame, I shou'd contend with that part of me, that all men of sence, reckon not worth their thoughts.

"Bisco, it ain't human nature for her to stan' up agin all that's brought to bear on her. Cap'n Tom is dead. Love is only human at las', an' like all else that's human it mus' fade away if it ain't fed. It's been ten years an' mo' sence Cap'n Tom's light went out." "The last day of November '64 " said Uncle Bisco, "I was thar an' seed it. It was at the Franklin fight."

"I haven't slep a wink," said he, "sence we left Grand Pre, and that's more'n human natur can ginrally stand; so now I'm bound to have my sleep out, an prepare for the next trip. You boys had better emply yourselves in inspectin this here village." "When shall we leave Quaco?" "Wal, I'll think that over. I haven't yet made up my mind as to what's best to be done next. One thing seems certain.

"Dat sholy so," agreed Isham, from the box. "Des look at me er-drivin' horses dat once I'd er scorned to tech! An' all de worl' er-mournin'. Graveyards gitting full an' ginerals lyin' daid. What de use of dis heah war, anyhow? W'ite folk ought ter hab more sence."

I knew it wuz her heart that wuz a-achin'. Wall, we had our troubles, Josiah and me did. Trueman's wife wuz dretful disagreeable, and would argue us down, every separate thing we tried to do or say. And she seemed more high-headed and disagreeable than ever sence Joe had begun to pay attention to her.