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Updated: August 16, 2024

Yes, sir, that gal had two twins a boy an' a girl an' both that white, when I see them as yearlings, you'd never suspect they had a dab o' the tar-brush in 'em at all. The boy had red hair provin' he was yourn, Gib." Mr. Gibney could stand no more. He sat down on the hatch coaming and covered his face with his hard red hands. "If there was kids, Scraggsy," he sobbed, "I didn't know it.

"You two," he commented, "would get out a paper that everybody would know to be full of reliable facts, and that nobody would buy. To be born with a riotous imagination and then hardly ever to let it riot is to be a born newspaper man. Provin?" The elder giant leaned back, his eyes partly closed. "Is she engaged to be married?" he asked. "Is Miss Holland engaged?" Chillingworth shook his head.

"All Blazing Star knows I found it." "Then ye'll have no difficulty in provin' it," said Hornsby, coolly. "Just now, however, WE'VE found it, and we propose to keep it for the inquest." Cass shrugged his shoulders. Further altercation would have only heightened his ludicrous situation in the girl's eyes. He turned away, leaving his treasure in the coroner's hands.

"I've earned it," he said earnestly. "An' I've had a mighty hard time provin' my right to wear it. There's men that will tempt you out of pure deviltry, an' others that will try to shoot such a fancy out of your system. But I didn't wear the 'Square' because I wanted to folks hung it onto me without me askin'. That's one reason I left Tombstone; I'd got tired of posin' as an angel."

I'm now provin' to you that I'm your friend. Listen, you passed through the back-yard to-day while I was in the parlor wid the family sellin' my goods as well as I could. Well, Miss Julia had a beautiful shawl about her purty shoulders, and as she seen you passin, she started, kept her eyes fixed upon you till you disappeared, and then, afther thinkin 'or some time, she sighed deeply.

The rapidity of human thought is never so beautifully illustrated as when the owner of a human mind is serving involuntarily as a target. "My friend," said Buffle, "ef I've got anything uv yourn, yer ken hev it on provin' property. We'll go to whar that fust light is up above I'll walk the hoss slow an' yer ken keep me covered with the pistol; ain't that fair?"

Parker surveyed these mural decorations with deep, inward satisfaction not untinged with patriotism. "There wa'n't many folks right here when I filed on to this claim," he had been known to remark, "an' I may have trouble provin' up.

"Say, now, sheriff," he interposed, "didn't you look for footprints and finger-marks?" Isa shook his head. "Never knew a clean boot make a print on a soft pile carpet," he answered. "As fer finger-marks Sanson T. Wrangler's ready ter swear in court as the criminals both wore gloves, fully provin' that they wasn't novices in the burglary business." He turned again to Kiddie.

George had sometimes told himself that the man looked like an oval grey stone with a face cut upon it. "Is the claret warmed?" St. George demanded, handing his hat. "Did the big glasses come for the liqueur and the little ones will set inside without tipping? Then take the cigars to the den you'll have to get some cigarettes for Mr. Provin. Keep up the fire. Light the candles in ten minutes.

Astofeller, than to leave jest money for a fashionable wife and golf-playin' sons to run through?" Mr. Astofeller said he believed it wuz better; he looked real convinced. And seein' him in this softened frame of mind I went on and brung up a number of incidents provin' that the great folks of the past had held a good many of my idees in regard to wealth. I reminded him of Mr.

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