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"This lad an' I," he said, laying his hand on my shoulder, after attracting the attention of all within sound of his voice, "have within a short time seen just such scoundrelly curs as you are provin' yourselves to be. We have heard them cry out against a commander who was fitted to lead brave men, and their blood is not yet dry on the banks of the Oriskany.

He paused "but provin' ut's a diff'runt matther. We must foller this up an' get some shtronger evidence yet behfure we make th' break." Suddenly he uttered a hollow chuckle. "Kilbride!" he ejaculated. "Mind his josh that day 'bout it might be me, or Gully? an how Gully laughed, tu, wid th' hand of um like this?" Napoleonic fashion he thrust his huge fist between the buttons of his stable-jacket.

So they went on till the year 1862, when a disaster befell them that made a considerable change at first for the worse, but for the better in the long-run. Provin' the truth, my lad, of what I was well, no I was goin' to draw a moral here, but I won't! "It was a cyclone that did the business. Cyclones have got a free-an'-easy way of makin' a clean sweep of the work of years in a few hours.

She told me I was the first exception she'd struck." "What rule were you provin' at the time, Lin?" "Well yu' see, I started to kiss her." "Yu' didn't!" "Shucks! I didn't mean nothin'." "I reckon yu' stopped mighty sudden?"

You wait and see, Mr. Wingate just you wait and see." "So that was the end of it, hey?" said Captain Bailey. "Well, it's what you might expect, but it wa'n't much to be so anxious to tell; and as for PROVIN' anything about fortune tellin' why " "It AIN'T the end," shouted the exasperated Barzilla. "Not nigh the end.

"Even the avil is worth doin', if so be 'twas not mint, an' the good is in yer heart in the ind, an' ye do be turnip' to the Almoighty, repentin' an' glad to be aloive: provin' to Him 'twas worth while makin' the world an' you, to want, an' worry, an' work, an' play, an' pick the flowers, an' bleed o' the thorns, an' dhrink the sun, an' ate the dust, an' be lovin' all the way!

If it was a question of provin' to a lot of chuckleheads that Jollygee and Genesis, or some other dead and gone Scripture folk that don't consarn no mortal soul, used to contradict each other, your tongue'ud run thirteen to the dozen. But when it's a matter of takin' the bread out o' the mouths o' your own children, you ain't got no more to say for yourself than a lamp-post.

"High Chin and his outfit is sure handin' it to us," complained the old-timers. "And you're about the only man here who could show 'em." "No use provin' it to 'em when they know it," Bud said. The committee retired and consulted among themselves. Bud was talking with a cattleman when they again accosted him.

"Didn't know Crane's sister married President Castle of the G. and B., did you, Johnnie?" "No. What has that to do with it?" "Consid'able.... Consid'able. Goes some ways toward provin' to me I was expected to call on Castle and that things was arranged on purpose.

But it seemed to take so long to make the Admiral here understand that I was goin' to wait until Caroline came back that I thought I'd save time and breath by provin' it to him. I didn't know there was any company. Excuse me, ma'am, I won't bother you. I'll just come to anchor out here in the entry. Don't mind me."