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Boiled linseed with camphor and a little tincture of iron was what it was really made of; but there was a 'possum picture on the label, and I've had testimonials provin' that it has cured nearly every disease known to man, from ringworm to curvature of the spine.

'Cause if I was in my right senses I'd be runnin' a race with them fellers to see which would get inside Bug Light and to a safe anchorage first. And yet I'm standin' on with this old bailin'-dish because I'm afraid of what a landlubber will say to folks in Smyrna about my bein' a coward, and with no way of my provin' that I ain't.

"No, no," says Jessie, "tell us a ghost story. Oh! I delight in them." "Oh," said Janet, "tell us about a dream. I know one myself which came out as correct as provin' a sum." "That's it, Miss Janet," said I; "do you tell me that story, please, and it's hard if I can't find one that will please you in return for it."

An’ some of them beauties back east, they’da lapped muddy water outta an Apache’s boot tracks, did it mean savin’ their dirty hides. Sounds to me, Teodoro, like you’ve some plain, straightforward thinkin’ there—a mighty interestin’ idea. An’ maybe we’re jus’ goin’ to attend to th’ provin’ of it!" "Not by ourselves," Drew corrected. "We have our orders." "Sure.

But I sez to 'em, "I can believe every word you say without provin' it." I never could have stood it to clumb so high, but they said you could see way off the Appenines, the Alps, Mont Blanc, the Matterhorn, a wonderful view. The cathedral is full of monuments to kings and queens and saints and high church dignitaries. Its carving, statuary, fret work is beyend description.

Course, a lot of blamed fools will cuss the daylights out of me for letting him get away right under my nose, and all that, but let 'em talk. He's gone for good, you can bet on that, and the county's lucky to get rid of him so cheaply." "I guess you're right, Sheriff," agreed one of his companions. "From all I hear, Mrs. Gwyn would have a hard time provin' it was him as stole her "

"I believes yer, Dick. Yer father's a gentleman, every inch o' him; I seed thet the fust I clapped eyes on him. But knowin' the truth is one thing an' provin' it is another, especially in the wild west. This air Vorlange may hev yer father in a mighty tight hole, and if you show him up as the thief who stole the deeds an' the money, he may turn on yer dad and squeeze him mightily, see?" "I see.

"Humph! if a dog's the right breed and big enough it's his own fault if he's kicked twice." "Not if he cares more for his master than he does for himself 'taint." "Why, yes, it is. He can make his master respect him by provin' he ain't the kind of dog to kick.

"It seems it's a bunch of fellers that's been workin' some placer ground off back here somewheres" and he waved a tanned hand indefinitely in a wide arc "and some man got the double hitch on 'em with the law, provin' that the ground was his'n, and the sheriff run 'em off! Now they're sore. But it seems they cain't help 'emselves, so they're movin' over to some other place across the divide."

Is the offspring a-takin' his oats reg'lar? 'Lord! said Mrs. Mathews irrelevantly, subsiding into a chair, 'I thought you was dead. You never writ. 'That, said Mathews, 'was conseckens of a understanding clear and likewise to the point, atwixt me and Mas'r Dick. "Mum's the word," sez he. "Mum's the word," sez I. And that there was as it should be, no argifyin' provin' contrairiwise.