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"If you an' the Dook gets to argifyin', or gets into any difference, an' she gets the best o' the bargain, you'll promise William and all of us here that you'll go back to church and tell the minister you was a darn fool for the way you acted." Sandy McQuarry's bristling brows came together, "Ah'll take ye!" he cried, slapping his knee fiercely.

Is the offspring a-takin' his oats reg'lar? 'Lord! said Mrs. Mathews irrelevantly, subsiding into a chair, 'I thought you was dead. You never writ. 'That, said Mathews, 'was conseckens of a understanding clear and likewise to the point, atwixt me and Mas'r Dick. "Mum's the word," sez he. "Mum's the word," sez I. And that there was as it should be, no argifyin' provin' contrairiwise.

I uster ask him how it was we didn't tumble off when we was danglin', head downward, in the dark, an' that uster to give him the blind staggers every time. He was a terror for argifyin', though, that chap; an' one night he got me to give in that it was mebby round like a cheese and us livin' on the flat top. It was in Sawed-Off Wilmott's cheese factory he was shootin' off that time.

I've got a contrary temper, and can't stand no argifyin' like. Close that door, sir. Almost crazed with excitement, Dick strode about the hut. Even if he were to get away, the chances of capture were overwhelming. But to be shot in an open fight for freedom! That would be a thousand times better than death by an open grave. Freedom! The word was intoxication.

With which profound thought he drew a long breath of smoke and sent it on the air, to follow his philosophy to whatever place words go to. 'If Germany and us puts on the gloves, ruminated Mathews, 'I'll be real sorry Mas'r Dick ain't 'ere. He's a rare lad, 'e is one o' the right breed, and no argifyin' can prove contrariwise.

Come along, sir; argifyin' don't get nowhere. Realising that further expostulation was useless, Dick followed the groom to the bridge. As they crossed it he noted that it was strongly built of steel, with supports that would bear the heaviest of weights.

"Well," said Jake Sawyer reasonably, "most o' the eddicated folks'll tell you that's what the world is. Miss Weir, now, was tellin' that to our twins jist to-day." Spectacle John sniffed. "Huh! That young Graham, that teached here before her, was loony on the same notion. He's sit up half the night argifyin' with me that the earth was spinnin' 'round like a dog after its tail.

"He baint himself," reiterated Buggins emphatically; "He was fair mazed and dazed with his argifyin'. 'Meek and quiet sperrit'! Who wants the like o' that in this 'ere mortal wurrld, where we all commences to fight from the moment we lays in our cradles till the last kick we gives 'fore we goes to our graves? Meek and quiet goes to prison more often than rough and ready!"

"Because, if you 'adn't 'appened to be a-wearin' that there bell-crowner, and I 'adn't 'appened to be of a argifyin' and inquirin' turn o' mind, I should ha' filled you full o' buckshot." "Oh?" said I. "Yes," said he, nodding, while I experienced a series of cold chills up my spine, "not a blessed doubt of it.

'Mas'r Dick. Mathews had returned. 'No argifyin' won't get you nowhere. If I have to knock you atwixt the ears and drag you out by the 'eels, you're comin' out o' that there stall to-night. I ain't goin' for to see a Durwent made a target of. No, sir; not if I have to blow the whole army up, and them frog-eaters along with 'em. Close that door, Mas'r Dick.