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Updated: August 20, 2024

And the schoolmaster, bein' real polite, though he had a look as if he wuzn't convinced, yet he bowed kinder genteel to Arvilly, as much as to say, "I will not dispute any further with you." And then he got up and went over and sot down by Lophemia Pegrum. And I see there wuz no prospect of their different minds a-comin' any nearer together. And I'll be hanged if I could wonder at it.

"To be sure I do," replied Miss Vesta. "She married John Andrews, her father's second cousin once removed. Don't tell me that Myra has a daughter old enough to be married: Or is it a son? either way, it is ridiculous." "A daughter!" said the old man, "the prettiest girl in Pegrum. Like a ripe chestnut, more than anything.

"Still, I am sorry for him!" said Miss Rejoice, through the window. "He went away!" replied the fiddler. "Pegrum wouldn't hold him; and the other lad was a good shot, and went about with a shot-gun. But I was going to tell you about the wedding." "Of course!" cried Melody. "What did the bride wear? That is the most important part." De Arthenay cleared his throat, and looked grave.

But Miss Yerden looked tickled, she is so blind in her own conceit, and Lihu spoke so polite to her, she thought he considered her word as goin' beyend the Bible. Then Lophemia Pegrum spoke up, and sez she "Don't you believe in keeping the Sabbath, Lihu?" "Yes, indeed, I do," sez he, firm and decided. "I do believe in it with all my heart.

He lay down on his bed, but his thoughts seemed dancing from one thing to another, to Brother Joe, travelling homeward now, he hoped, after a week's absence; to Mira's goodness, her patience with his wayward self, her kindness in letting him mess with chemicals, and turn the shed into a laboratory, and frighten her with explosions; to Dan'l Brown and Mis' Pegrum and the burglars.

"Not all, little Melody. I've seen some things that you wouldn't like to hear about, things that would grieve your tender heart more than a little. We will not talk about those; but I have seen bright things too, sure enough. Why, only day before yesterday I was at a wedding, over in Pegrum; a pretty wedding it was too. You remember Myra Bassett, Miss Vesta?"

He is a very likely young man smart as a whip, and does well by the school, and makes a stiddy practice of mindin' his own business and behavin'. He is a great favorite and quite good-lookin', and some say that he and Lophemia Pegrum are engaged; but it hain't known for certain. He spoke up, and sez he, "There is one great thing to think of when we talk on this matter.

Seems as if they had took note of every house where there wasn't plenty of folks to be stirring and taking notice. They got into the pantry window, and took every living thing she had to eat. They might do that, and still go hungry, Deacon Bassett says; you know there's always been a little feeling between him and Mis' Pegrum; her cat and his hens it's an old story.

"Now I believe in goin' to meetin' as much as anybody, and always have been regular. But I say Jane hain't consistent." Arvilly stopped here a minute for needed breath. Good land! I should have thought she would; and Lophemia Pegrum spoke up she is a dretful pretty girl, but very sentimental and romantic, and talks out of poetry books. Sez she: "Another thought: Nature works all the Sabbath day.

Why, there's old Dr. Jalap, over to the Corners. He give Beulah Pegrum seven Liver Pills at one dose, and only charged her fifty cents, over 'n' above the cost of the pills. Now that's what I call doctorin', not but what I like Dr. Brown well enough. But Mel'dy well, there! and now to have her took off so suddin, and never to know whether she's buried respectable, or buried at all!

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