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"I left the Boy and O'Flynn at supper-time and went down to the Little Cabin to " "To see what I was doin' to spy on me." "Well, all right maybe I was spying, too. Incidentally I wanted to tell you the cabin was hot as blazes, and get you to come to supper. I met Potts hurrying up for his grub, and I said, 'Where's Mac? Isn't he coming? and your pardner's answer was: 'Oh, let him alone.

And Josiah sez, "I guess I shan't mind what that old fool sez." Them wuz my pardner's words, much as I hate to tell on 'em. But from day to day I kep' it stiddy before him, how dang'r'us it wuz to go ag'inst a doctor's advice. And from day to day he would scorf at the plan.

"Why, it strikes me that a boy with a pardner like 'Wild Horse Phil' ought to be mighty careful about how he talked over that pardner's private affairs with a stranger. Don't you think so?" "Mebby so," agreed Billy. "But you see, I know that Phil wants Kitty 'cause " "Sh! What in the world is that?" whispered Patches in great fear, catching his small companion by the arm. "That!

The next day, Peyton speeds away on his errand after receiving the old miner's last orders. His whispered adieu was: "I'm going to stand by my dead pardner's kid, for he thought of me at the last." Peyton's good-bye rings in Woods' ears as the train leaves. The boxes and parcels forced on the Confederate veteran, are tokens of his affection. The cognac and cigars are of his own selection.

"Good evening," he said. The two men stared at him frankly. "Good evening, stranger!" "John Red Sun told me to ask you people for work in return for permission to trail with your outfit." "Oh, he did, did he!" grunted the older man, eying Enoch intently. "My name is Mackay, and my pardner's is Field." "Mine is Smith," said Enoch. "Just Smith?" grinned the man Field.

Josiah never looked to the right hand or the left, as she passed him, at many, many a knot an hour. And I felt that my pardner's sufferin from that cause was over, and mine too, but oh! by what agony wuz it gained.

Folks ort to be more cautious in namin' children, but they're all married quite well, and we had a good visit with 'em, stayin' most of the time at Orange's. And I see with joy that the shadder on my pardner's face lifted quite a little durin' our stay there, but of course this belated us and we didn't git to St. Louis till Saturday late in the afternoon. St. Louis is a big sizeable place. Mr.

And," sez I, to get her mind offen it, "Have you seen anything of my companion's specks?" And that took her mind offen poetry and she went a huntin' for 'em, on the seat and under the seat. She hunted truly high and low and at last she found 'em on my pardner's foretop, the last place any of us thought of lookin'. And she never said another word about poetry, or any other trouble, nor I nuther.

Oh! how I wish I could foller his example, for it duz seem to me that nowhere else, unless it wuz at the tower of Babel, wuz there ever so much noise, and of such various and conflictin' kinds. Instinctively I ketched holt of my pardner's arm, and sez I, "Stay by me, Josiah Allen; if madness and ruin result from this Pandemonium, be with me to the last."

He's ramblin' 'roun' in the rain an' cold, cause's he's done a wrong deed, an' can't sleep fur thinkin' uv it. Stole his pardner's berries an' roots, mebbe." "Perhaps you're right, Jim," Henry said, "and animals may have consciences. We human beings are so conceited that we think we alone feel the difference between right and wrong."