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Updated: August 12, 2024

And brave Queen Esther's voice facin' her enemies and a drunken king, and sweet Ruth's, and Paul's incomparable words, and St. John's. Or the lofty voices of the Patriot fathers as they nobly shrieked for freedom as they threw their pardner's tea overboard, while they hung onto their whiskey and tobacco that wuz taxed twice as high.

Lodema had been uncommon exasperatin', and I expected she would set Josiah to goin', and I groaned in spirit, to think what a job wuz ahead of me, to part their two tongues when all of a sudden I see a curius change come over my pardner's face.

"I rather reckon I owe you my life and something else besides" the Colonel laid one hand on the thin shoulder where the pack-strap pressed, and closed the other hand tight over his pardner's right "and I hadn't meant even to thank you neither." "Don't, for the Lord's sake, don't!" said the younger, and neither dared look at the other. A scratching on the canvas, the Northern knock at the door.

And the face above the moose-skin shirt was stricken with a sudden envy. Without any telling, he knew just how his pardner's heart had failed him, when it came to turning his tattered back on the possibilities of the Klondyke. "Oh, I'm comin' back soon's I get a grub-stake."

I enjoyed the hour I spent here with a deep, heart enjoyment, and so did Josiah. Or, that is, I guess he did, though he whispered to me from time to time, or even oftener, as we went through the buildin', that we wuz a devourin' time that we might be spendin' at the Roller Coaster. Wall, at last, greatly to my pardner's satisfaction, we sot out for the place where he fain would be.

But he thought of Bill and stiffened his business nerve. "I got a heart; sure I've got a heart. You ask anybody if Casey's got a heart. But I also got a pardner." "Your pardner's likely gen'l'man enough to trust us, if you ain't," maw said sharply. "Yes, ma'am, he is. But he's got these tires to pay fer on the first of the month.

But as faint as the light wuz, for the eye of love is keen, I missed my beloved pardner's head from the opposite pillow, and I riz up in wild agitation and thinkses I, "Has rapine took place here; has Josiah Allen been abducted away from me? Is he a kidnapped Josiah?"

Enough if the Boy were not in the tent when the Colonel came and went. Of course, the Boy did the cooking. The Colonel ate almost nothing, but he made a great point of his pardner's service in doing the cooking. He would starve, he said, if he had to cook for himself as well as swing a shovel; and the Boy, acting on pure instinct, pretended that he believed this was so.

Bring on that beautiful creeter a combin' out her long, golden hair this instant, and bring out the comb and I'll give you five minutes to do it in." He wuz hoorse with emotion, and he wuz pale round his lips as anything and leis eyes under his forward looked glassy. I wuz fearful of the result. Thinkses I, I will look and see what has wrecked my pardner's happiness and almost reasen.

Jined to this department is a Assembly Hall, on purpose for speakers and orators to disseminate the best and latest idees about agriculture. And, take it all in all, what a boon to Jonesville and the World the hull exhibit is! It wuz a sight! Wall, bein' pretty nigh to it only a little walk acrost a tree-shaded green I acceded to my pardner's request that I would go with him to the Stock Exhibit.

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