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Updated: August 9, 2024

Recovering her self-possession, and calling to the startled servants, Lianor entered the temple, where Panteleone and the men were quietly dozing. "Leone, awake! The Indians are coming!" The youth sprang to his feet, and, flinging one arm round his cousin, he drew a sharp poignard from his sash, and clutched it firmly. "Do not be afraid, Lianor. I will guard you with my life!" he said bravely.

Restore Sampayo to his own again; then try, by true repentance, to atone for the wrong you did him." Tonza raised his head, and glanced gratefully at Panteleone; but his eyes were full of firm resolution none could understand. "You are good, but my life is worth nothing, now she has gone. See, this poor babe will soon follow her mother.

Startled by the sudden apparition, the Indians lost, for a time, their self-control, and the sailors found it easy to subdue them. Luiz had flown at once to Lianor's side, clasping her frail form tightly in his arms, while Panteleone wrenched Savitre from her aunt, as she was about to fling her on the now burning pile.

As Diniz stepped towards the first stranger, on whose arm leaned a young and beautiful woman, a low cry burst from his lips. "Panteleone!" he gasped, "is it really you?" "What, Diniz!" and the two friends, separated for so long a time, warmly clasped hands. "But how comes it that you are like this?" Panteleone briefly related their voyage from India, and the disastrous end.

"Quick, Savitre; we will drink this draught together, and when they seek you, they will find us both cold in death." "You also, my brother, speak of death! I must escape I cannot sacrifice my life!" "Nor shall you," a gentle voice broke in passionately, and Lianor, her face full of tender compassion, stood before the victim, Panteleone beside her.

Not many days after, Manuel Tonza, his wife, children, Panteleone, and Savitre, accompanied by several faithful servants, including Lalli and Tolla, embarked in a fine stately ship, which was to bear them in safety to their home. Tonza seemed full of joy as he saw the last lines of the Indian coast disappear. He had rarely appeared so happy since his marriage with Lianor five years before.

Lianor smiled tremulously through her tears, and a blush mantled to her cheeks. "You have saved my life. I can never repay you," earnestly. Panteleone, still pale and anxious, now appeared leading the little widow, who seemed overjoyed at her release. She sank down gladly beside Lianor, and then the palanquin was borne away, guarded by Luiz and Panteleone, Satzavan walking behind.

Lianor and Panteleone, watching from their hiding-place the strange preparations, now saw a girl, very young and beautiful, but weeping bitterly, being dragged toward the pile by a tall, hard-looking woman. "Come!" she cried, in loud, ringing tones, "now is the time to uphold the honor of your family, and show your courage!"

It was not long ere they espied the small party, and full of triumph dashed toward them. "Lianor, keep back leave me to deal with these barbarians!" Panteleone said hurriedly, and in a minute a deadly fight began between the Indians and the soldiers. But what was their strength against more than five hundred strong warriors?

By aid of the fast-breaking dawn, they could see the line of high, dark rocks, upon which the ship had met her fate. With much difficulty and peril, under the captain's cool directions, the crew managed at last to leave the sinking vessel, not without much loss of life. Out of nearly five hundred only a few arrived in safety, amongst whom were Tonza, his wife, children, Savitre, and Panteleone.

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