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One day three months later, after Kasheed Hassoun had been twice tried upon the same testimony and the jury had disagreed six to six, each time Mr. Tutt, who had overstayed his lunch hour at the office, put on his stovepipe hat and strolled along Washington Street, looking for a place to pick up a bite to eat.

But how could that be when papa himself did not know how changed were his own ways from his kindly paternal air of confidence? All trust had been undermined, so that Clarence could not cross the threshold without being required to state his object, and, if he overstayed the time calculated, he was cross-examined, and his replies received with a sigh of doubt.

Boyd rose, and going to the door, saw that the sky was deeply overcast, rendering the night as dark as in a far lower latitude. "I've overstayed my welcome," he ventured, and smiled at her answering laugh. With a trace of solicitude, she said: "Wait! I'll get you a rain-coat," but he reached out a detaining hand. In the darkness it encountered the bare flesh of her arm. "Please don't!

"Just as I should wish. I will look out for her, depend on it," exclaimed the stranger, quickly. "But I must, for the present, wish you farewell, gentlemen. I have an appointment, and I have already overstayed my time." Saying this, the stranger bowed to his new acquaintance; and throwing down his reckoning with a haughty air, quitted the coffee-house.

He could not travel with Lady Wellesley; he went by the mail. He had overstayed his leave a day. She travelled under the care of his brother, the clergyman. To MISS MARGARET RUXTON. EDGEWORTHSTOWN, May 23, 1806. I have been laughed at most unmercifully by some of the phlegmatic personages round the library table for my impatience to send you The Mine.

It seems that numbers of men were employed by the County or perhaps by the slaveowners themselves whose duty it was to patrol the community and be on constant watch for such Negroes who attempted to escape their bondage or overstayed the time limit noted on their "pass". Such men were known then as "Paddy Rolls" by the Negroes and in the Southern states are still referred to by this name.

Who knows but if they had overstayed the appointed hour, our relations with them might have changed? some new element of discontent and unhappiness been introduced, which would have entirely altered the character of our recollections?

The professor has already overstayed his leave of absence, so he says." Blount clenched a figurative fist and shook it savagely at an unkind fate. Nevertheless, he fell. "If you can shift your responsibility to my shoulders, Mrs. Blount " he began, but she would not let him finish. "Oh! that is so good of you, Evan. Take the little car, and be sure to ask the garage man to put in new batteries.

Every mind was occupied with Johnny. We were two weeks overstayed of the time we had told him to expect our return, and we knew not what might have happened to the boy. The four of us on one rope, Karstens leading and Walter at the gee-pole, we went down the first sharp descents of the glaciers without much trouble, the new, soft snow making a good brake for the sled.

I see now you've been very anxious all the time about overstaying your leave, but you wouldn't speak because it was for my sake." "I've written to the officer in command at Sidi-bel-Abbés, explaining. It will be all right." "It won't! You're keeping the truth from me. I see by your face. You've overstayed your leave already. I calculated it out last night. Even as it is, you are a day late."