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Tell me what you want? Had trouble with your captain? Overstayed your leave? Or have you just got out of jail?" Now, I hadn't thought before this just how disreputable I looked. I was dressed in the slops I had got out of the Scarboro's chest, was barefooted, and was burned almost as black as any negro where the skin showed, at least.

The time was limited to five days, not long enough, as Colonel Brockenbrough knew; but there was an understanding between us that if I overstayed the limit nothing would be said about it. A tramp of a hundred miles was before me, but that was a matter of indifference to my buoyant body and practiced feet.

And if he seeks that freedom at the right time, when he is at the summit of his years and powers and at the most opportune moment in his affairs, he has that supreme satisfaction denied to so many men, the opposite of which comes home with such cruel force to them; that they have overstayed their time: they have worn out their welcome.

"If Lord Trowbridge is willing to let it all pass," said he, "so am I." "I am delighted," said Lord St. George, with spirit; "I will not come in now, because I have already overstayed my time, but I hope you may hear from my father before long in a spirit of kindness." Sir Gregory Marrable's headache was not of long duration.

"Come," said Wild, turning authoritatively to Jack, "you have overstayed your time." "Do not go with him, Jack!" shrieked his mother. "Do not do not!" "He must!" thundered Jonathan, "or he goes to jail." "If you must go to prison, I will go with you," cried Mrs. Sheppard: "but avoid that man as you would a serpent." "Come along," thundered Jonathan. "Hear me, Jack!" shrieked his mother.

"I can't say what it is," says Piddie, "but there has been a change. Recently. Twice this week he has overstayed his luncheon hour. Yesterday he asked for his Liberty bond and war saving stamps from the safe. I believe he is planning to do something desperate." "Huh!" says I. "Most likely he's plotting to pay off the mortgage on the little bungalow as a birthday present for mother."

He fixed a pay of one gora or fifteen cloths per man, as the only condition on which I should get their services; for they all declared that they had not only been to Ujiji, the place appointed by Sultan Majid and their chief before leaving Zanzibar, but that they had overstayed the time agreed upon for them to be absent on these travels namely, six months.

When Corporal Francis Dollond and Trooper James Franks, of the Natal Mounted Police, overstayed their ten days' leave of absence from the camp on the Upper Tugela, in the early part of 1883, everybody was much surprised; they being two of the best conducted and most methodical men in the force.

I would stay here and watch with ye, but that I've overstayed me time alriddy, and I'll catch thunder whin I git back home, 'cause I can't make the boss belave the raison why I staid. Here's a pistol," added the Irishman, shoving a five-shooter into the hand of the astonished lad, "and ivery barrel is loaded, and it niver misses fire, as the victims can tell ye as have been hit by the same.

At dinner-time I rose, went down-stairs, and waited for my father; waited one, two, three hours. It was very strange. He never by any chance overstayed his time, without sending a message home.