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"The philosophy of self-interest as the social solution was a good living and working synthesis in the days when civilisation was advancing its frontiers twenty miles a day across the American continent, and every man for himself was the best social mobilisation possible. "But to-day it is a belated ghost that has overstayed the cock-crow. These were frontier morals.

Stephen worked the next day, and the next, uncheered by a word from any one, and shunned in all his comings and goings as before. At the end of the second day, he saw land; at the end of the third, his loom stood empty. He had overstayed his hour in the street outside the Bank, on each of the two first evenings; and nothing had happened there, good or bad.

"The captain has not yet returned?" "Not yet, sergeant; I expect him on the eight-thirty train." "It is about Corporal Stein, madame; he has overstayed his pass." "I presume Mr. Waring should be told. Have you seen him?" "Madame, the lieutenant is neither at his quarters nor the mess." "Then there is nothing further to be done that I know of," said Mrs.

Standing by the fire, looking down into it, she said: "The town will be empty without you." Behind her, Canning had risen too, with a sort of sharpness. He was silent. And then it was borne in upon her that the proud young man was moving toward his trappings, to go.... "Your friendly words are much appreciated," said he, smiling. "But I observe that I've overstayed horribly."

May I say I cannot find words to express the pleasure I have had in your society? I do not know that I shall see you again before we start on our homeward journey." "Must you go? Can you not prolong your stay?" "We have already overstayed our time; but not to our regret.

I suppose he expected and desired a fresh outburst from the prisoner. But in this he was disappointed; Newman gave no sign. "Ah, well, I fear I've overstayed my welcome this visit," he said, finally. He got to his feet, and stood before Newman with legs spraddled and arms akimbo; drinking in lustfully the picture of the other man's utter misery.

On his arrival he crept up to his dressing-room with somewhat of a palpitating heart; he had overstayed his allotted time by three days, and was not without fear of penalties.

Here we can build a civilization which neither roasts us in summer nor freezes us in winter." There was a fluid magnetism in the rush of Jasper Ewold's junketing verbiage which carried the listener on the bosom of a pleasant stream. Jack was suddenly reminded that it must be very late and he had far overstayed the retiring hour of the desert, where the Eternal Painter commands early rising.

"Il fait chaud," said this divine man, prisoner, criminal, or what not, as he offered me a glass of wine in the form of a huge tin cup overflowed from the canteen in his slightly unsteady and delicately made hand. He is a Belgian. Volunteered at beginning of war. Permission at Paris, overstayed by one day.