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Updated: August 6, 2024

I am sure ye were not obliged to ken ony thing about it; and what the waur was the King that the lairds here got a soup o' drink and the ladies their drap o' tea at a reasonable rate? it's a shame to them to pit such taxes on them! and was na I much the better of these Flanders head and pinners that Dirk Hatteraick sent me a' the way from Antwerp?

An' it clawled light up him an' it ate him all up. Evly bit of him. Escept hims legs. An' he walked along, an' he walked along, an' he walked along, an' he met a tiger. An' e tiger eat 'em up. Evly bit of 'em. Escept hims feet. An' he walked along, an' he walked along, an' he walked along, an' he met a horsh. An' e horsh ate 'em all up. Evly bit of 'em. An' nofing was left. Ony hims button.

I told her I had met her on Saturday last, had been so fortunate as to render her a trifling service, and was come now on the young lady's invitation. "O, so you're Saxpence!" she cried, with a very sneering manner. "A braw gift, a bonny gentleman. And hae ye ony ither name and designation, or were ye bapteesed Saxpence?" she asked. I told my name. "Preserve me!" she cried.

He drew him aside in the shadows, and asked for a loan of eighty pounds. Johnny stammered a refusal. "Hauf the bawbees is mine," his sister had skirled, "and I daur ye to do ony siccan thing, John Coe!" "It's only for a time," pleaded Gourlay; "and, by God," he flashed, "it's hell in my throat to ask from any man." "No, no, Mr. Gourlay," said Johnny, "it's quite impossible.

Gin ye dinna believe me, I hae my marriage lines, gie me by the minister o' St. Margaret's Kirk, Weestminster, where he marrit me! Ou, ay! and I wad hae tell ye a' this in the beginning, only I kenned weel, if I did, ye wad na hae let me gae on gie' ony teestimony agin me ain husband. De'il hae him!

I am sure, gentlemen, if I had kend ony servants of our gude king had stood at the door But wad ye please to drink some ale or some brandy or a cup of canary sack, or claret wine?" making a pause between each offer as long as a stingy bidder at an auction, who is loath to advance his offer for a favourite lot. "Claret for me," said one fellow.

"I hae served ane master before he became a pirate," he said, "an' I don't want to try anither after he has finished bein' ane. If I serve ony mon, let him be one wha has been righteous, wha is righteous now, an' wha will continue in righteousness." "Then serve Mr. Delaplaine," said Dickory. The Manders soon removed to the little house where Dickory was born.

"Ane that's weel worth ony twa o' us, Monkbarns; it's the young stranger lad they ca' Lovel and he's behaved this blessed night as if he had three lives to rely on, and was willing to waste them a' rather than endanger ither folk's.

"They ken we are up here the day determined to demand our terms, an' that's the way they are a' turned out. Just you wait till they begin, an' you'll see a fine bit o' play actin'. They'll play us aboot as auld Tom Tervit wad play a trout in the Clyde. They hae ony amount o' patience, an' they'll gae you onything but the thing you want.

"In the fourt yeir of his regne, this nobill prince come to visie the madin Castell of Edinburgh. At this time, all the boundis of Scotland were ful of woddis, lesouris, and medois; for the countre wes more gevin to store of bestiall, than ony productioun of cornis; and about this castell was ane gret forest, full of haris, hindis, toddis, and siclike maner of beistis.

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