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Updated: August 3, 2024

"How could they go, Uncle?" "Jus' took deh auto'bile, chile, an' de Kun'l done druv it heself bag an' baggage. But see heah, Ma'y 'Ouise we-all ain' s'pose to know nuth'n' bout dat git-away. Ef some imper'nent puss'n' ask us, we ain' gwine t' know how dey go, nohow. De Kun'l say tell Ma'y 'Ouise she ain' gwine know noth'n' a-tall, 'bout nuth'n', 'cause 'tain't nobody's business."

"Well, THAT'S all right then, thank goodness." Says I, kind of timid-like: "Is something gone wrong?" The king whirls on me and rips out: "None o' your business! You keep your head shet, and mind y'r own affairs if you got any. Long as you're in this town don't you forgit THAT you hear?" Then he says to the duke, "We got to jest swaller it and say noth'n': mum's the word for US."

He was nearly lightnin' on superintending. "Well, bye an' bye, up comes this yer quartz excitement. Every body was into it every body was pick'n' 'n' blast'n' instead of shovelin' dirt on the hill side every body was put'n' down a shaft instead of scrapin' the surface. Noth'n' would do Jim, but we must tackle the ledges, too, 'n' so we did.

Why, that 'ere Portagee relation o' yourn 'z been tryin' t' ketch a fellah 'n a slippernoose, 'n' got ketched himself, that's all. Y' ha'n't heerd noth'n' abaout it?" "Sit down," said Mr. Dudley Veneer, calmly, "and tell me all you have to say." So Abel sat down and gave him an account of the events of the last evening.

Why, jest think there's thous'n's and thous'n's that ain't nigh so well off. Bless you, THEY ain't got noth'n' to complain of." Well, the king he talked him blind; so at last he give in, and said all right, but said he believed it was blamed foolishness to stay, and that doctor hanging over them. But the king says: "Cuss the doctor!

I don't k'yer noth'n 'bout that it's the COUNT I'm thinkin' about. We want to be awful square and open and above-board here, you know. We want to lug this h-yer money up stairs and count it before everybody then ther' ain't noth'n suspicious. But when the dead man says ther's six thous'n dollars, you know, we don't want to " "Hold on," says the duke.

Wuz I his mother tell he was fifteen years old, or wusn't I? you answer me dat. En you speck I could see him turned out po' and ornery on de worl' en never care noth'n' 'bout it? I reckon if you'd ever be'n a mother yo'self, Valet de Chambers, you wouldn't talk sich foolishness as dat." "Well, den, ole Marse forgive him en fixed up de will ag'in do dat satisfy you?"

And in that of a steamboat captain? "Oh! now yew're talk'n', mister! A right smart business, thet! A boss'n' o' people 'round, a seein' o' th' world, and noth'n' 't all to do! Now, that's right smart, I take it!" It was plain where his heart lay. He saw the steamers pass the farm daily, and once he had watched one unload at Point Pleasant well, that was the life for him!

So these two frauds said they'd go and fetch it up, and have everything square and above-board; and told me to come with a candle. We shut the cellar door behind us, and when they found the bag they spilt it out on the floor, and it was a lovely sight, all them yaller-boys. My, the way the king's eyes did shine! He slaps the duke on the shoulder and says: "Oh, THIS ain't bully nor noth'n!

She could not abide such a disaster as that; she couldn't endure the thought of it. Her remark amused Chambers. "Yah-yah-yah! Jes listen to dat! If I's imitation, what is you? Bofe of us is imitation white dat's what we is en pow'ful good imitation, too. Yah-yah-yah! We don't 'mount to noth'n as imitation niggers; en as for "

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