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Updated: August 19, 2024

'What d'yo want 'im for? she asked contemptuously, as the new-comer approached: 'he'd owt to be in th' sylum. Aunt Hannah says he's gone that silly, he owt to be took up. 'Well, he woan't be, then, retorted David. 'Theer's nobory about as ull lay a finger on 'im. He doan't do her no harm, nor yo noather. Women foak and gells allus want to be wooryin soomthin.

G. But you've just said you didn't see her face! Th. Dunnot aw know what th' face ov mo chylt be like, beout seem' ov it? Aw'm noan ov a lump-yed. Nobory as seigh her once wouldn't know her again. Col. He's a lunatic! I don't see what I can do for you, old fellow. Th. And aw met ha' known it beout axin'! O'reet!

'Nobory ull mak owt o' yo till yo get a bastin twice a day, wi an odd lick extra for Sundays, he remarked to her with grim emphasis when he had reached what seemed to him a safe distance. Then he turned and strode up the face of the hill, the dogs at his heels.

Louie's share that wor different; we had a reet to that, she bein a growin girl, and doin nowt mich for her vittles. Fro the time when yo should ha had it whether for wages or for 'prenticin an yo could na ha it, because Hannah had set hersen agen it, a saved it for tha, owt o' t' summer cattle moastly, without tellin nobory, so as not to mak words.

G. You ought to have asked that outside. How did you get in? Th. By th' dur-hole. Iv yo leave th' dur oppen, th' dogs'll coom in. Col. G. I must speak to Martha again. She will leave the street-door open! Well, you needn't look so frightened. It ain't a robbers' cave. Th. That be more'n aw knaw not for sartin sure, maister. Nobory mun keawnt upon nobory up to Lonnon, they tells mo.

Ivvery body seems to mane something, and nobory to say it. Bill. Never you mind, daddy! "Bill's been. All right." That's your ticket. I'm off. Exit. THOMAS gets up, and walks about, murmuring to himself. A knock at the door. Tho. Somebory after mo again! Aw'll geet eawt ov th' way. Enter WATERFIELD. Wat. Nobody here! I am unlucky. "Not at home," said the rascal, and grinned, by Jove!

Presently, with an exclamation, he knelt down and looked over the edge of the great sloping block which served them for roof. 'Wal, I niver! Theer's nobory but Uncle Reuben, an he's talkin to hissel. Wal, this is a rum skit! And he stayed outside watching, in spite of Louie's angry commands to him to come back into the den. David had no fears of being discovered by Uncle Reuben.

An they do tell me, as nobory can mak owt o' 'Lias Dawson these mony years, i' th' matter o' brains. Eh, but yo shudno meddle wi Satan. 'What d'yo think he saw? asked David, eagerly, his black eyes all aglow. 'He saw t' woman wi t' fish's tail 'at's what he saw, said Louie, shrilly. Reuben took no notice. He was sunk in silent reverie poking at his pipe.

But aw mun be gooin'. Nobory can tell what may be coomin to mo Mattie. Aw mun go look, go look! Ha! ha! they couldn't keep mo, owd mon as aw wur! But aw wish aw hed a word wi' th' mon first. Enter WARREN. War. Here he is after all! Tho. Theer be nobory theer, sir. Th' maister's run eawt, and th' mon after him. War. Run out! Tho. Aw niver says what aw donnot mane.

He said the last words with difficulty, having all his life been pricked by a certain instinct about his mother, which had, however, almost nothing definite to work upon. Reuben thought a minute, then sat down again patiently. 'Aye, a'll tell tha. Theer's nobory else can. An tha ought to know, though it'll mebbe be a shock to tha.

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