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Updated: August 14, 2024

"If you've a mind to liken yourself to one of those dreadful creatures that are always nibbling, I don't choose to be called a cat." "I aren't a bit pertickler what you call me, ma'rm," replied the American very good-humouredly, "although I confess I am a bit partial to nibblin' when thar's anything good to eat!"

See here: his line is quiverin' as if a grampus was nibblin' at the end of it. Hadn't we better haul 'im up, sir?" He addressed Joe Baldwin, who chanced to come on deck at the moment. "Haul 'im up no, why?" "Why, sir, just look at the lines an' pipes." "Have you signalled down?" asked Joe. "Yes, sir, an' he's answered `all right."

He wuz affected, I could see he wuz, though he tried to conceal it by nibblin' on some figs he had bought that mornin'. Miss Meechim wuz all carried away with the seen as the guide pinted out the different places. Robert Strong and Dorothy didn't seem to want to talk much, but their faces wuz writ over with characters of rapt and reverential emotion.

They wore working away, sir, last night at some of the b'ys' hammicks; and one of 'em yelled out that they was nibblin' their toes!" "Oh!" cried the captain, "we must put a stop to that. My dog here is a good ratter, and I think he'll be able to polish off a few for you. Where do you think, Tarbolt, the brutes hang out?"

And I beliebe it would, on'y dere came a divurtisement. For you see, I sets myself down in my 'spair, on de cole stone floor; and soon as ebber I does dat, a whole passel o' rats come a- nosin' and a-smellin' at me, and nibblin' my shoes 's if dey'd like to 'vour me alibe; and it tuk all my time and 'tention to dribe dem away." "That was horrible, Katie," said Ishmael, in a tone of sympathy.

An' ain't he just swum round the hook an' gone off without so much as nibblin' it? The thing don't interest him, it's easy enough to see that. He don't like motor-boats an' ain't got no sympathy with 'em, an' he don't give a hang if they do come to grief. In fact, I think he rather relishes hearin' they're snagged. I gave up expectin' any help from him long ago."

The negro got upon his feet, and approached the stranger, who at first took no notice of him, being absorbed in puzzled observation. A cut of lean meat, encircled by a row of stones, lay immersed in a pool caused by an eddy in the river. "Danged if I can make out what this hunk of raw beef is put here for," soliloquized the visitor. "The minnies are nibblin' it away. I wonder if this here Mr.

"And did you kill it?" "I did, for they're a nuisance. The place is fair snied wi' 'em." "An' what do they live on?" "The corn as the 'osses drops an' they'll get in your pocket an' eat your snap, if you'll let 'em no matter where yo' hing your coat the slivin', nibblin' little nuisances, for they are." These happy evenings could not take place unless Morel had some job to do.

Then what does that ass do but put me out agin and lock up the jail and put crape on the door, while he went off to the funeral. "So, of course, I had to browse around, huntin' up meals where I could get them, sometimes nibblin' somethin' at the tavern and other times takin' tea with a friend.

Crane remained tantalizingly silent for a full minute; evidently his thoughts had drifted away to some other subject. "Yes," said Faust, speaking again to break the trying quiet, "some one's nibblin' at Diablo in the books. I wonder if it's Porter; did he think him a good horse?" "It can't be Porter, nor any one else who knows Diablo. It's some foolish outsider, tempted by the long odds.

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