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Updated: August 25, 2024

"If they'd only keep thar till arter sundown," mutters Wilder, "especially him on yur hoss, I ked settle the hul bizness. This hyar gun the doc presented to me air 'bout as good a shootin'-iron as I'd care to shet my claws on, an 'most equal to my own ole rifle. I've gin it all sorts o' trials, tharfor I know it's good for plum center at a hundred an' fifty paces.

Jehosophet an' pork-pies! they air fools, an' no mistake them Creole French. We ked a sold 'em wooden nutmegs, an' brick-dust for Cayenne pepper, an' such like; an' I 'bout guess es how we did spekoolate a leetle in thet line o' bizness. Wall, there kim a time when they tuk a notion they ked make cheep brogan, as they call 'em, out o' allygator's leather, an' supply the hul nigger market wi' 'em.

"I'd jest spied it when you spoke o' giein out. Whar thar's hills, thar's a likelihood o' streams. Sposin', Frank, you stay hyar, whiles I make tracks torst them. They look like they wa'n't mor'n ten miles off anyhow. I ked easy get back by the mornin'. D'ye think ye kin hold out thet long by swallerin' a bit o' the buzzart?" "I think I could hold out that long as well without it.

Now, what ked they a done wi' him?" The speaker cast a glance around, as if seeking for an answer. "Heigh!" he exclaimed, pointing to some object, on which he had fixed his glance. "Yonder we'll find him! See the buzzarts! The old hoss's past prayin' for, I'll be boun'." It was as the hunter had conjectured.

It is for the guard to fall in along with the rest of the troop. At this moment a similar thought is in the minds of the two men whose eyes are upon him from above. Wilder is the first to give expression to it. He does so in an undertone, "Ef we ked trust the carry o' our rifles, Frank." "I was thinking of it," is the rejoinder, equally earnest. "We can't I'm afraid it's too far."

In coorse, the pegs hed fell in price; they'd kim down so low, that we ked only git twenty-five cents a bushel for 'em!" "Mother ov Moses! only twenty-five cents a bushel!" "Thet was all they'd fetch offer 'em when an' wheer we would. In coorse, we wan't fools enough to take thet the dernationed pegs hed cost us more in Bosting!" "Divil a doubt ov it? But fwhat did yez do wid 'em, anyhow?"

No; the hunter is too noble, too honourable, for that His glance following her as she flits about the room, taking in her dainty shape, and the expression of her pretty face, always wreathed in smiles, he has but one single-hearted desire, to which he gives muttered expression, saying, "Thet's jest the kind o' gurl a fellow ked freeze to.

But that would not be marriage such as would lawfully and legally make you man and wife." "Doggone the lawfulness or legullity o' it! Priest or no priest, I want Concheteter for my squaw; an' I've made up my mind to hev her. Say, Frank! Don't ye think the old doc ked do it? He air a sort o' professional." "No, no; the doctor would be of no use in that capacity.

Perhaps all the better for that; the Indians are pretty sure to keep about the waggons for a day or so. They'll find enough there to amuse them. Our work will depend a good deal on what sort of a stone they've rolled over the hole. You remember what size the boulder was?" "'Twas a largish pebble; looked to me at least ten feet every way. It sort o' serprised me how the skunks ked a budged it.

Thar was one remarkable pecooliarity about ther Nix family, frum root ter stump, an' ther war, they war nevyer known ter refuse a gift or an advantageous offer; in this respeck they bore a striking resemblance ter the immortell G'orge Washington. G'orge war innercent; he ked never tell a lie.

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