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"We uns had er interestin meetin las night," he said meekly. "Well mus yer put on er graveyard face ter day bekase yer had er interestin meetin las night? Don't put so much gravy on yer rice, hits ergin yer helth. Maria Tappin tol me yestidy thet her brother Tom was to be nitiated las night with er good meny other uns, an I 'lowed I'd here erbout hit, as my husban was er goin.

"I guess that girl's got more gumption than any of 'em. She's got 'em straightened up now and I guess she'll take care they don't cut up no more monkey-shines about that Chinese stuff. Her husban' seemed sort o' gentle like." "Artists is that way," volunteered The Hopper, as though from deep experience of art and life.

She ain't one dem kin' dat takes a husban like dey takes a breakfas kase its ready." Clancy was so profoundly moved by what he heard that he turned away to hide his emotion. After a moment he said: "You have been true and faithful, Aun' Sheba. You won't be sorry. Please do as I have asked." And he hastened away. "Reckon I put a spoke in dat hon'ble bizness," Aun' Sheba soliloquized.

The visitor, finding that they were perishing for want, offered the woman some relief tickets for food; but the poor soul began to cry, and said; "Eh, aw dar not touch 'em; my husban' would sauce me so! Aw dar not take 'em; aw should never yer the last on't!"

"Dave," said the widow, "I kin see you two as if you was settin' there front of me. He was alwus like that. Oh, my! Oh, my! David," she added solemnly, while two tears rolled slowly down her wrinkled face, "we lived together, husban' an' wife, fer seven year, an' he never give me a cross word."

Something in the unconscious dignity of her figure, as she stood there, seemed to dwarf her temporary mistress into insignificance. "You cyarn' say mus' to me," she said in a slow, repressed tone. "Dese ain' no slave days, an ol' mis' cyarn' make 'em so. I ain' no heathen an' I ain' no slave. My mammy bought herself an' her husban', an' we's all freeborn."

"Husban'," she would say, with a shrug of her shoulder, "il faut necessaire one must, I think, be sensible; is it not so? perrhaps in anozer world one may know from the beginning," and I often wondered if she had forgotten how something should leap up at her heart.

Ned grinned from ear to ear, and in the ecstasy of his delight dropped the Colonel's clothes-brush. "Lan' sakes!" he cried, "ef she ain't recommembered." Recovering his gravity and the brush simultaneously, he made Virginia a low bow. "Mornin', Miss Jinny. I sholy is gwinter s'lute you dis day. May de good Lawd make you happy, Miss Jinny, an' give you a good husban' "

Wingate stared at it, then his eyes widened. He looked at the woman, then back at the bare arm. It was the arm of a white child. "Catharine, was your husband white?" he asked, in a voice that betrayed anxiety. "I got no husban'," she replied, somewhat defiantly. "Then " he began, but his voice faltered. She came and stood between him and the couch.

But de part you doesn't know is de part mos' wuth knowin'. No woman eber had sich a husban' as Mas'r Graham, an' no chile sich a moder. 'Clar' ter grashus ef I b'lieve he's ebber slep' a wink wid his watchin' an' a-tinkin' what he could do fer you." "But, Jinny, I'm not ill; I never felt stronger in my life." "Laws, Missy Grace, dar's been a mirackle.