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We owe no grudge on account of the Sergeant's hurt, which comes of lawful warfare; and as for Mabel " "She is here!" exclaimed the girl herself, who had mounted to the roof the moment she found the direction things were taking, "she is here! And, in the name of our holy religion, and of that God whom we profess to worship in common, let there be no more bloodshed!

"Too long to expect a lady's promise to be kept?" Lily seemed to ponder that question, and hesitated before she answered. "I will show you the picture. I don't think I ever broke a promise yet, but I shall be more careful how I make one in future." "Why so?" "Because you did not value mine when I made it, and that hurt me."

"Keep away, w'ite man, or I'll do yo'all hurt!" Trask walked straight for the steward, who pulled out a pistol. "My gun!" cried Trask, stopping. Marjorie uttered a cry of dismay as she saw the steward raise his hand. "I can shoot," warned Doc. "Come on! Come on!" he yelled, waving his hand to the dinghy. "I got 'em!"

"God knows I'm sorry for you, Boy," he cried brokenly. "It's hurt me terribly. But YOU it must be like the cracking of your soul. And Josephine, Mignonne, my little flower! She is with her mother?" "Yes," replied Philip. "Come. Let us go. We can do nothing here. And Josephine and her mother will be better alone for a time."

It 'ud be a awful thing if you hurt yourself and couldn't do it!" "If we try it at all, we shall do it," said Roy, spiritedly, and then he and Dudley rode back to put their steeds to a gallop. Old Ben watched them breathlessly. Dudley seemed to be hesitating. "I say, old fellow, don't let us do it to-night." Roy's look was one of astonishment mingled with a little contempt. "Not do it!

"Oh! oh! oh-h-oh!" sobbed Bella. "Do leave off, cook. You hurt." "Then tell me what you are laughing at." "He's he's he's oh, dear! oh, dear! I never saw such a sight in my life! I hadn't been gone more than five minutes when ho! ho! ho! ho!"

But the more I think of it, the more I know that I could go through with it and possibly win it. I might get my million. I might not. I don't want money gained in that way. The taxpayers would have to foot the bill, not yourself." "Oh, I guess I'd pay enough," Worthington had assumed an entirely different attitude now. "It would hurt me worse in business than it would if I were still in office.

Frances gave a peculiar call which the chickens seemed to know and immediately they came a-running, hundreds of them, so fast that Mary Jane dropped the corn she held and tried to run away. "They won't hurt you," laughed Frances, "see? I can let them eat right out of my hand!" Mary Jane looked and thought that if Frances was safe she would be too.

Then he went on more excitedly "an aspersion upon a lady whom I love more than life an insult that no man could stand an unspeakable foulness; and I sprang at him, the cur, in the white heat of my anger, not meaning or dreaming to hurt him seriously. I caught him by the throat." The judge held up his hands before the whole court appealingly.

"Remember this, Prince Andrew, if they kill you it will hurt me, your old father..." he paused unexpectedly, and then in a querulous voice suddenly shrieked: "but if I hear that you have not behaved like a son of Nicholas Bolkonski, I shall be ashamed!" "You need not have said that to me, Father," said the son with a smile. The old man was silent.