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"We ain't safe in our beds, then," said the wife. "You ain't safe in yours, my dear, because you chose to leave it; but I hope you're safe out of it. I doubt whether the melons and peaches are safe. The truth is, there ought to be a gardener's cottage on the place, and I must build one. I wonder whether I hurt that fellow much. I seemed to hear the bone crunch." "Oh, Frank!" "But what could I do?

Clarence Hervey, who had very quick feelings, was extremely hurt by the indifference which his dear friends had shown when his life was in danger: he was apt to believe that he was really an object of affection and admiration amongst his companions; and that though they were neither very wise, nor very witty, they were certainly very good-natured.

It cost me many a pang to shock and hurt the dear good people, to seem so ungrateful for all their love and kindness. But it had to be. I could not do otherwise. I returned to Chicago two days after receiving the letter, and my lover and I met and clasped hands and gazed into one another's eyes. We were reunited, or rather united truly, for the first time, with better understanding on both sides.

The time has come to stop it." His words hurt her pride, and she felt, too, that he liked the position of being entreated by her. She had an instinct to retort sharply, but another instinct was stronger. She was feeling what was a new sensation to her a willingness to humble her pride that others might be benefited.

Black clothes! And your hair oiled?" "No, not so bad as that. My mother was a very particular lady." "Can you tell us about her?" Helen asked. "I don't know that I can." "You oughtn't to have suggested it," Miriam said in a reproof which was ready to turn to mockery at a hint from Zebedee. "He won't tell us if he doesn't want to. You wouldn't be hurt by anything we said, would you?"

Ajor looked up at me, a hurt and questioning expression on her face. "Whose she is this?" repeated Al-tan. "She is mine," I replied, though what force it was that impelled me to say it I could not have told; but an instant later I was glad that I had spoken the words, for the reward of Ajor's proud and happy face was reward indeed. Al-tan eyed her for several minutes and then turned to me.

"I must wrap myself up in a leaf," explained the sprite, "else the human beings would see me and be frightened. We sprites appear to human beings only in their dreams." "I see," said the firefly. "I am at your service. I will do what I can. Won't the great beast with you hurt me?" The sprite shook his head no, and the firefly believed him.

I then began to strip him of his accoutrements and ransacked his knapsack, but I was sadly disappointed in finding nothing about him; so I took his musket and broke the stock, and left him, not feeling inclined to be troubled with a prisoner, or to hurt the man in unfair play.

In the meantime I was not able to forbear groaning and shedding tears, and turning my head towards my sides; letting him know, as well as I could, how cruelly I was hurt by the pressure of his thumb and finger.

You say to yourself, 'Just one won't hurt me! Perhaps not. But can you be content with just one? Ah! No, my man, there is no middle way for such as you. It must be all or nothing. Stop it now now, while you still retain some semblance of humanity. Soon it will be too late! Kill that craving! Stifle it! Strangle it!