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For if the dog were frightened and agitated by the movement of the umbrella, or ran away, as Herbert Spencer tells us, from the stick which had hurt him while he was playing with it, it was because an unusual movement or pain produced by an object to which habit had rendered him indifferent, aroused in the animal the congenital sense of the intentional subjectivity of phenomena, and this is really the first stage of myth, and not of its subsequent form of fetishism.

"You ain't?" cried Jack, getting up so quickly he upset the next boy, who rolled over the big, black dog. "Great Scott! You ain't going to tell the old gentleman?" "No," said Joel, "I don't care anything about it; you didn't hurt me any." "Well, if I ever!" It was all that Jack, the leader, could get out.

The truth is, you see, they are all afraid that if they should fight they might get hurt, and why should they trouble themselves about this girl's rights or wrongs?

"Beauties!" sniffed Rosie as she glanced about upon them, "there is scarcely one who I should have selected as such." "Hush, hush, Rosie!" said her mother warningly; "we do not know but some of them may understand English, and surely you would be sorry to hurt their feelings." "Yes, I should indeed, mamma," she returned in a regretful tone, and they passed out.

The sudden heat of the professor's speech showed that he was hurt, but whether at what the judge had just been saying about the elder sister, or at the secrecy he had shown in the matter and his studied reserve in speaking of the younger sister, was doubtful. Probably the good man himself did not know; what he did know was that he felt hurt.

They soon grew very playful and very amusing little animals, and the dogs became used to them, and never attempted to hurt them; indeed, very often Oscar and the bear would be seen rolling about together, the best friends in the world.

Collins assured me that he was most anxious for my safety, and would have come back with them to demand us of the friar, but he had received a hurt in the neck during the attack at Santa Catalina and was in no state to travel, although the wound was healing well for which God be thanked! So far, all the prisoners, except Mr.

"It was my legs which the Holy Virgin first of all delivered," she continued. "I could well feel that the iron bands which bound them were gliding along my skin like broken chains. Then the weight which still suffocated me, there, in the left side, began to ascend; and I thought I was going to die, it hurt me so.

I see I'd hurt him, and I'd have got over it in a minute and told him so, only he up with his axe and walked out of the door, and never come home till night, and then I was too stubborn to speak to him.

"Why, I don't believe you want to meet me again!" exclaimed Diana, with a note in her voice like that of a hurt child. "Oh, for that!" He shrugged his shoulders. "If we could have what we wanted in this world! Though, I mustn't complain I have had this hour. And I wanted it!" he added, with a sudden intensity. "So much that you propose to make it last you for the remainder of your life?" smiling.