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I mean to tell you just that there," replied the ranger. "I'll I'll bet a " "We're wastin' time," curtly interrupted Ladd. "You can gamble on this if you want to. I'll ride your Blanco Devil as he never was rid before, 'cept once when a damn sight better hossman than I am couldn't make him outrun Sol."

"I want a goin' to spile a trade," said the hostler. "And then I've heard you say so often that nobody could take you in on a hoss, that I thought it warnt no use." "The cussed swindler!" said the major. "After havin' shaved every body he came across, he went and shaved a hoss, and put him off on me me, the greatest hossman in the State of Maine.

I'm planted waist deep in the mountain snows, but havin' on hossman boots the snow ain't no hardship. "'While I'm fussin' with my pipe, the six waggons an' my twenty men curves 'round a bend in the trail an' is hid by a corner of the canyon. I reflects at the time though I ain't really expectin' no perils that I'd better catch up with my escort, if it's only to set the troops a example.

But when it came to getting the horses there appeared danger of delay. Sarchedon had led Dusty Ben and Two Face off in the grass. When Joel went for them they galloped away toward the woods. Joel ran back. "Son, you're a smart hossman!" exclaimed Creech, in disgust. "Shall I git on the King an' ketch them?" "No. Hold the King."

"One mawnin' I'm in the Gait House, lookin' fur a hossman that's stoppin' there, 'n' I see Peewee Simpson settin' in the lobby like he'd just bought the hotel. "'Who left the door open? I says to him. "'It's still open, I see, says Peewee, lookin' at me. "We exchanges a few more remarks, 'n' then Peewee tells me he's come to Loueyville to buy some yearlin's fur ole man Harris.

"He he looks as if he might ride a horse well," ventured Bo. "Best hossman I ever seen," agreed Al, heartily. "And and shoot?" added Bo, hopefully. "Bo, he packs thet gun low, like Jim Wilson an' all them Texas gun-fighters. Reckon thet ain't no good word." "Then I'll vouch for him," said Bo, with finality. "Thet settles it." Auchincloss turned to the cowboy. "Las Vegas, you're a stranger to us.

"Talk 'bout luck!" said he, morosely. "You know 'at flat-foot Swede whut swipes faw Mist' O'Conneh? Hungry Hanson, 'ey calls him. Well, he goes crazy 'ith 'e heat an' flang 'em bones jus' like he's got 'em ejicated. Done tossed out nine straight licks, boss. Seems to me 'at's mo' luck 'an a Swede ought to have!" "Mose," said Old Man Curry suddenly, "Job was no hossman."

You wouldn't cut him loose and let him make a showing that would spoil him as a betting proposition?" "Well, maybe he won't be a short price," said the old man. "You can't tell a thing about it. It's this way with bookmakers: Once in a while they change their minds, and that's where an honest hossman gets a crack at 'em. Yes, they get to fooling with their little pieces of chalk.

"In that case I hope you hold straighter than times I've seen you." "Milt Dale, I'm a good shot," declared Roy, stoutly. "You're no good on movin' targets." "Wal, mebbe so. But I'm not lookin' for a movin' target when I meet up with Beasley. I'm a hossman, not a hunter. You're used to shootin' flies off deer's horns, jest for practice."

"Colonel Sandusky Doolittle, howdy!" The Colonel was delighted. Her knowledge of his name was flattering. He had forgotten her strange costume the moment his glance had caught her wonderful, deep eyes. "Howdy, howdy!" he said heartily, shaking her hand vigorously. "Why, this is real Kentucky style!" It won't take us long to get acquainted." "Know all about you now," she said. "Great hossman.