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Updated: November 20, 2024
I wonder," he mused, with a pride in which was neither doubt nor wonder "I wonder will he fling the father as he flang the son!" But that was the instinct of his blood, not enough to make him pardon John. On the contrary, here was a new offence of his offspring. On the morrow Barbie would be burning with another affront which he had put upon the name of Gourlay.
The conviction of guilt and grace cam in on Tam like the deep sea; he flang doun the pike that was in his hands "I will nae mair lift arms against the cause o' Christ!" says he, and was as gude's word.
"Deil that they were back at their German kale-yard then, as my neighbour MacCroskie ca's it," said Mrs. Howden, "an that's the way they're gaun to guide us!" "They say for certain," said Miss Damahoy, "that King George flang his periwig in the fire when he heard o' the Porteous mob." "He has done that, they say," replied Saddletree, "for less thing."
And then the ae boat set aff for North Berwick, an' the tither lay whaur it was and watched the wanchancy thing on the braeside. A' the time we lay there it lowped and flang and capered and span like a teetotum, and whiles we could hear it skelloch as it span.
The conviction of guilt and grace cam in on Tam like the deep sea; he flang doun the pike that was in his hands "I will nae mair lift arms against the cause o' Christ!" says he, and was as gude's word.
"Wait till you hear what Miss Silsby's gotta say!" said one dryad, and another added: "Woisse than that is this: you know who that was you flang out at so regardless?" "I don't know, and I don't care," sobbed Kedzie. "You would care if you was wise to who His Nibs was!" "Who was it?" Kedzie gasped. "Jim Dyckman no less! You was right in his arms, and you hadda go an' biff him."
I ken no ill to lay till her chairge, but I winna lippen till her. My gran'father an' he's blin', ye ken jist trimles whan she comes near him." The marquis smiled. "What do you suppose she was about?" he asked. "I ken nae mair than the bonnet I flang in her face, my lord; but it could hardly be guid she was efter.
He said he wud gie me a letherin' if I was a clash-pie; but I was juist genna tell you, but I'll no' do't noo," an' oot at the door he gaed. I cried on him to come back, but, yea wud! I saw nae mair o' him for half an 'oor, when in he comes to the back shop wi' a bundle o' claes an' flang them i' the flure. "There's Sandy's claes," says he. "I got them frae Bandy Wobster at the tap o' the street.
A' the time we lay there it lowped and flang and capered and span like a teetotum, and whiles we could hear it skelloch as it span. I hae seen lassies, the daft queans, that would lowp and dance a winter's nicht, and still be lowping and dancing when the winter's day cam in. But there would be folk there to hauld them company, and the lads to egg them on; and this thing was its lee-lane.
Sometime in dancing wondrously I flang, And sometime playing farces on the floor, And sometime on mine office taking cure. "And sometime like a fiend transfigurate, And sometime like the grisly ghost of Gye, In divers forms oft times disfigurate, And sometime dissagyist full pleasantly.
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