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Percombe, though he had nodded and spoken genially, seemed indisposed to gratify the curiosity which he had aroused; and the unrestrained flow of ideas which had animated the inside of the van before his arrival was checked thenceforward.

Andy and Hortense hesitated. "Let's look in," said Andy. "Perhaps no one's at home." "And then I might find my charm," Hortense added eagerly. They peeped through the window and saw nothing but a low fire on the hearth and the dim, kindly face of the big clock. "Let's risk it," said Hortense and lifting the latch, walked in. "Hello," said the Clock genially. "You here again?

'Except America! She laughed again, and withdrew her hand from his. 'Elise! he cried, reaching towards her, 'listen to me' The Cockney patient leaned over with a bag in his hand. ''Ave a gripe? he said genially. 'No, th' began Selwyn. 'Thanks so much, said Elise, taking the bag and picking a small cluster for the American, afterwards handing the bag back to the Tommy.

She must be used enough to society to do the honours genially and gracefully, and not have her head turned by being the chief young lady in the place. She ought to be well bred, if not high bred, enough to give a tone to the society of her contemporaries, and above all she must not flirt. If I found flirtation going on with the officers, I should send her home on the spot.

Fannie told him, and her name, also, and ventured to ask that, if he was going through Oaklands, he would be good enough to tell her uncle, who kept the livery stable, to send out for her. "I guess we can better that," he said, smiling genially. "I'm going to Oaklands to meet my trunk and stop over a day.

Now and then, because of church connections, Mrs. Cowperwood ventured to have an afternoon tea or reception, at which even Cowperwood attempted the gallant in so far as to stand about in a genially foolish way and greet those whom his wife had invited. And so long as he could maintain his gravity very solemnly and greet people without being required to say much, it was not too painful for him.

Pete put his hand in the pocket of his coarse blue shirt and drew out a half-dollar. "Humph!" grunted Rufus. "You can go." He turned back to Geraldine. "Is one allowed to write letters from here?" she asked. "Of course, of course," replied Rufus genially. "What a foolish question." His face had settled into its customary lines. "Where do we take them? Out to the rural-delivery box?

Of our father's perfect gift for practising his kind I shall have more to say; but I meanwhile glance yet again at those felicities of destitution which kept us, collectively, so genially interested in almost nothing but each other and which come over me now as one of the famous blessings in disguise. There were "artists" in the prospect didn't Mr. Tom Hicks and Mr. Paul Duggan and Mr.

In like manner he saluted Waldo, after which he drew back a bit, still smiling genially, to add, in slowly spoken words: "You save Ixtli. Bear kill no; you kill yes! Ixtli glad. Sun Children great big heart full of love. So Ixtli never do hurt, never do wrong; die for white brother so!"

But I'll stir 'em up, if I have to write to the Home Secretary." "Gentlemen," said Mr. Franklin, smiling genially, "I cannot help taking a certain interest in this affair. May I, then, as a complete stranger to all concerned, tell you how this minor episode strikes me. Mr. Grant, I understand, denies having seen or spoken to Miss Melhuish during the past three years.